ECCC Week 2, NYC Metro Showdown, Rockland Lake Circuit Race - Valley Cottage, NY

ECCC Week 2

NYC Metro Showdown

Rockland Lake Circuit Race

March 27, 2016

Valley Cottage, NY

Courtesy of Velocity Results

ECCC Team Omnium

Place School Total M-RR W-RR M-Crit W-Crit

1 Queens University 141 11 43 50 37

2 Columbia University-NYC 112 37 32 28 15

3 University of Vermont 103 43 9 43 8

4 Pennsylvania State University 101 1 50 0 50

5 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 93 18 28 15 32

6 University of Delaware 87 50 0 37 0

7 US Military Academy 86 32 24 2 28

8 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 84 4 37 0 43

9 Dartmouth College 72 28 18 13 13

10 New York University 64 7 15 24 18

11 Northeastern University 61 15 21 4 21

12 McGill University 51 13 13 18 7

13 Syracuse University 45 24 0 21 0

14 University of Pennsylvania 43 0 0 32 11

15 Boston University 34 9 11 5 9

16 University of Connecticut 24 0 0 0 24

17 Tufts University 21 21 0 0 0

18 University of Massachusetts Amherst 19 8 0 11 0

19 Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania 11 7 0 4 0

20 Princeton University 9 3 0 6 0

21 Drexel University 9 0 0 9 0

22 Temple University 8 0 0 8 0

23 Middlebury College 8 0 8 0 0

24 Yale University 7 0 0 7 0

25 Boston College 7 0 7 0 0

26 Rochester Institute of Technology 5 5 0 0 0

27 Harvard University 3 2 0 1 0

28 Brown University 1 1 0 0 0


Men A 35 starters 44.0 miles

Place Bib Time First Last Team Points

1 31 1:46:04 Robbie King Columbia University-NYC 80

2 27 1:46:05 Matthew Fischel University of Delaware 70

3 26 1:46:09 Julian Georg Syracuse University 63

4 17 1:46:09 Noah Barrow Killington Mountain School 57

5 1 1:46:09 Glenn Ferreira University of Delaware 51

6 44 1:46:09 Brian Hardy US Naval Academy 45

7 16 1:46:09 Vivien Rindisbacher Killington Mountain School 40

8 A72 1:46:09 Ty Mechling US Naval Academy 35

9 37 1:46:09 Adam Ruff US Military Academy 30

10 4 1:46:09 Cameron McPhaden Queens University 26

11 14 1:46:09 Brian Alba Northeastern University 22

12 A17 1:46:09 Daniel DeSouza US Naval Academy 18

13 43 1:46:09 Kenneth McNeil Northeastern University 15

14 29 1:46:09 Greg Hruby Columbia University-NYC 12

15 20 1:46:09 Connor Reardon Rochester Institute of Technology 9

16 36 1:46:09 Drew Kogon New York University 7

17 25 1:46:09 Jason Hammond University of Delaware 5

18 21 1:46:09 James Read Pennsylvania State University 3

19 22 1:46:09 Vince Dunne Drexel University 2

20 11 1:46:09 Steven Ramirez Harvard University 1

21 77 1:46:09 David Berg Dartmouth College

22 6 1:46:09 Patrick Farrell Queens University

23 39 1:46:13 Peter Striegel University of Vermont

24 45 1:46:13 Zheren Yang Columbia University-NYC

25 13 1:46:13 Christopher Welch Killington Mountain School

26 42 1:46:17 Evan Phillips US Naval Academy

27 8 1:46:33 Alex Kellum University of Pennsylvania

28 40 1:51:14 Alex Breakstone Bucknell University

29 10 P&P Sam Damphousse University of Vermont

30 41 P&P Kenneth Englert US Military Academy

31 5 P&P Jeff Waters Queens University

32 A2 P&P Richard Wheeler US Naval Academy

DNF 24 John Smith Boston University

DNF 35 Tony Pletcher Columbia University-NYC

DNF 99 Kevin Bernstein Pennsylvania State University


Women A 9 starters 33.0 miles

Place Bib Time First Last Team Points

1 108 1:36:02 Turner Ramsay Killington Mountain School 80

2 118 1:36:02 Dominique Danko McGill Cycling 70

3 115 1:36:02 Hannah Hayes US Naval Academy 63

4 111 1:36:02 Jess Bunchek Pennsylvania State University 57

5 116 1:36:02 Katherine Inge US Naval Academy 51

6 A201 1:36:02 Erin Thamm US Naval Academy 45

7 117 1:36:02 Gabriella Gonzalez US Naval Academy 40

8 102 1:36:02 Amanda Schevers Queens University 35

9 101 1:36:02 Corey Tucker Massachusetts Institute of Technology 30

Women B 8 starters 33.0 miles

Place Bib Time First Last Team Points

1 150 1:36:02 Allison Mrugal Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 48

2 161 1:36:02 Madeleine Pascolini Campbell Columbia University-NYC 41

3 158 1:36:02 Jinny Yan US Military Academy 35

4 153 1:39:43 Kirsten Pearsons Pennsylvania State University 30

5 159 1:44:58 Samantha McKinnon Killington Mountain School 26

6 157 1:49:18 Willa Nagel US Naval Academy 22

DNF 156 Emma Edwards Massachusetts Institute of Technology

DNF 160 Jessica Cooper Columbia University-NYC

#N/A #N/A

Women A/B Combined 17 starters

Place Bib Time First Last Team Cat

1 108 1:36:02 Turner Ramsay Killington Mountain School A

2 118 1:36:02 Dominique Danko McGill Cycling A

3 115 1:36:02 Hannah Hayes US Naval Academy A

4 111 1:36:02 Jess Bunchek Pennsylvania State University A

5 116 1:36:02 Katherine Inge US Naval Academy A

6 150 1:36:02 Allison Mrugal Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute B

7 A201 1:36:02 Erin Thamm US Naval Academy A

8 117 1:36:02 Gabriella Gonzalez US Naval Academy A

9 102 1:36:02 Amanda Schevers Queens University A

10 161 1:36:02 Madeleine Pascolini Campbell Columbia University-NYC B

11 158 1:36:02 Jinny Yan US Military Academy B

12 101 1:36:02 Corey Tucker Massachusetts Institute of Technology A

13 153 1:39:43 Kirsten Pearsons Pennsylvania State University B

14 159 1:44:58 Samantha McKinnon Killington Mountain School B

15 157 1:49:18 Willa Nagel US Naval Academy B

DNF 156 DNF Emma Edwards Massachusetts Institute of Technology B

DNF 160 DNF Jessica Cooper Columbia University-NYC B


Men B 41 starters 33.0 miles

Place Bib Time First Last Team Points

1 237 1:23:40 Ethan Call Dartmouth College 48

2 203 1:23:40 Nicholas Lando University of Vermont 41

3 202 1:23:42 Samuel Hedlund University of Vermont 35

4 225 1:23:49 Daniel Kaltman Tufts University 30

5 239 1:23:49 Cameron Mitchell McGill University 26

6 211 1:23:49 Patrick Murphy University of Vermont 22

7 234 1:23:49 Sam Veggeberg University of Massachusetts Amherst 18

8 251 1:23:49 Brandon King Tufts University 15

9 252 1:23:49 Laszlo Jakab University of Chicago 12

10 238 1:23:59 Alexandre Rossignol McGill University 9

11 212 1:24:04 Scott Coblentz Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania 7

12 229 1:24:04 Daniel Lander Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 5

13 215 1:24:04 Kyle Helson Brown University 3

14 200 1:24:08 Justin Bandoro Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2

15 222 1:24:26 Dean Zeffer Lehigh University 1

16 246 1:24:33 derrick butler University of Vermont

17 244 1:24:47 Jose Antonio Jijon McGill University

18 A115 1:24:49 Adam Oster US Naval Academy

19 209 1:25:00 Darin Alleman Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania

20 206 1:25:04 Paul Lamarche University of Vermont

21 236 1:26:17 Robert Allaway Dartmouth College

22 230 1:26:23 Tristan Manderfeld US Military Academy

23 210 1:27:21 Charles Mandel University of Vermont

24 242 1:28:52 Timothy Hunting Concordia University

25 243 1:29:19 Michael Landry Yale University

26 240 1:29:20 Maxence Menétrey McGill University

27 218 1:30:38 Josh Chu Killington Mountain School

28 217 1:30:51 Johannes Stromski Killington Mountain School

29 A116 1:31:11 Jin Soo Park US Naval Academy

30 A194 1:31:28 Everett Hamilton US Naval Academy

31 A197 1:32:00 Adam Pressel US Naval Academy

DNF 204 Ethan Sokol Massachusetts Institute of Technology

DNF 205 Derek Smith Queens University

DNF 220 Jason Ceresoli Rochester Institute of Technology

DNF 227 Genaro Manzano Montclair High School

DNF 231 Mathieu Bernier-Trudeau Harvard University

DNF 232 Daniel Forquer US Military Academy

DNF 233 Sean Gribbin University of New Hampshire

DNF 235 Matthew Caissy University of Massachusetts Amherst

DNF 245 Oliver Wockner McGill University

DNF 247 Daniel Serrano US Military Academy


Men C 69 starters 22.0 miles

Place Bib Time First Last Team Points

1 585 0:55:05 Riley Joinnides Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 32

2 648 0:55:05 Carlo Quicho Boston University 24

3 555 0:55:05 Dylan Allen US Military Academy 18

4 557 0:55:05 Ruben Watkins US Military Academy 15

5 549 0:55:05 Jake Inger University of Vermont 12

6 537 0:55:05 Nelson Beimfohr Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania 9

7 618 0:55:05 Andrew Scott Princeton University 7

8 601 0:55:05 Preston Pritchard US Military Academy 5

9 538 0:55:05 Daniel Grier Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4

10 567 0:55:05 brian payne Rhode Island School of Design 3

11 594 0:55:05 Brad Pettigrew University of Pennsylvania 2

12 551 0:55:05 Alberto Castro US Military Academy 1

13 A354 0:55:05 George Tolly US Naval Academy

14 579 0:55:05 Simon Voorhees Lehigh University

15 631 0:55:05 Justin Clark University of New Hampshire

16 548 0:55:05 David Demres Harvard University

17 637 0:55:05 Ben Pirie Queens University

18 580 0:55:05 Charles Krouse Rochester Institute of Technology

19 550 0:55:05 Kenneth Weitzman Tufts University

20 625 0:55:05 Mitchell Kilborn Princeton University

21 554 0:55:05 Jack Graham US Military Academy

22 559 0:55:05 James Fox New York University

23 623 0:55:05 Benjamen Shrewsberry Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania

24 597 0:55:05 Andrew Idell University of Delaware

25 A320 0:55:05 Logan Everts US Naval Academy

26 590 0:55:05 Galen Xing Columbia University-NYC

27 621 0:55:05 David Chen New York University

28 547 0:55:05 Morgan Rockett Northeastern University

29 541 0:55:05 Andrew Wisegarver US Naval Academy

30 553 0:55:05 Gregory Felker Rochester Institute of Technology

31 535 0:55:05 William Tymms Columbia University-NYC

32 A321 0:55:05 Taylor Adams US Naval Academy

33 610 0:55:05 Alex Lyon University of Massachusetts Amherst

34 558 0:55:05 Kevin Teets University of Vermont

35 542 0:55:05 Cooper Bates Columbia University-NYC

36 607 0:55:05 August Granath Northeastern University

37 561 0:55:05 Gregory DiGuido Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

38 598 0:55:05 Jack Lynch Hanover Norwich School

39 632 0:55:05 Shawn Quinn Boston College

40 628 0:55:05 Jordan Carter Queens University

41 565 0:55:05 Matt Ampleman Yale University

42 633 0:55:05 Benjamin Egan Boston College

43 664 0:55:05 Christopher Hatton Queens University

44 A355 0:55:05 Kevin McNeela US Naval Academy

45 640 0:55:05 Matthew Albano Rutgers University-New Brunswick

46 646 0:55:05 Eli Bravo Bucknell University

47 592 0:55:05 Meng Sun Columbia University-NYC

48 1212 0:55:05 Andrew Petti Dwight-Englewood High School

49 562 0:55:05 Lee Sartain Columbia University-NYC

50 583 0:55:05 Jonathan Davies Brown University

51 536 0:55:05 Justin Strauss Columbia University-NYC

52 581 0:55:05 Matthew Buell Lehigh University

53 612 0:55:05 Shea Ratynski New York University

54 649 0:55:05 Peter Daniels Boston University

55 644 0:55:05 Steven Robare Bucknell University

56 645 0:55:05 Edward Prescott Bucknell University

57 560 0:55:05 Benjamin Conley Dartmouth College

58 608 0:55:05 Daniel Kozar Pennsylvania State University

59 539 0:55:27 Zachary Cammer US Naval Academy

60 A328 0:57:01 Brian Burlingame US Naval Academy

61 545 0:57:01 Chad Wisnowski US Military Academy

62 552 0:57:31 Nicholas Esposito Northeastern University

63 544 0:58:55 Joseph Slamm Northeastern University

DNF 540 Lucian Rombado US Naval Academy

DNF 546 Sean Kline Northeastern University

DNF 556 Eric Nieminen Hamilton College

DNF 578 Gilles Merckx Lehigh University

DNF 588 Adan Horta Columbia University-NYC

DNF 620 Logan Blaine Princeton University


Women C 19 starters 22.0 miles

Place Bib Time First Last Team Points

1 353 1:04:04 Lucy Archer Massachusetts Institute of Technology 32

2 358 1:04:04 Hannah Simms Queens University 24

3 367 1:04:04 Alena Lovi Borgmann Columbia University-NYC 18

4 379 1:04:04 Megan Galinat Northeastern University 15

5 380 1:04:04 Monte Ho US Military Academy 12

6 378 1:04:04 Camille Joubert New York University 9

7 377 1:04:04 Katherine Rusch Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 7

8 356 1:04:04 Kasinee Gehring University of Vermont 5

9 357 1:04:09 Caroline Wisheart Queens University 4

10 359 1:04:09 Kathryn Olesnavage Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3

11 381 1:04:47 Alexandra Gimbel Middlebury College 2

12 360 1:05:14 Natasha Dobrott Boston College 1

13 355 1:05:31 Simone Bailey University of Vermont

14 850 1:05:34 Lexi Abel Yale University

15 370 1:09:00 Danielle Smith Dartmouth College

16 361 1:09:20 Nicole Walch University of Vermont

17 383 1:11:04 Amanda Tomasello Syracuse University

DNF 362 Elizabeth Psiaki US Military Academy

DNF 374 Clara Wang University of Pennsylvania


Men D 48 starters 15.0 miles

Place Bib Time First Last Team Points

1 1211 0:39:42 Bobby Hammond 0:00:00 21

2 668 0:39:57 John Russell Tufts University 16

3 708 0:39:57 Ammon Okazaki US Military Academy 11

4 713 0:39:57 Conrad Dorn Dorn Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 8

5 673 0:39:57 Anthony Cao New York University 5

6 741 0:39:57 Aram Modrek New York University 4

7 665 0:39:57 Tobias Ehrenberger Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3

8 751 0:39:57 David Ding Harvard University 2

9 677 0:39:57 Ethan Campbell Princeton University 1

10 736 0:39:57 John Lewis Dartmouth College

11 750 0:39:57 Zachary Rohland McGill University

12 744 0:39:57 Craig Brinkerhoff McGill University

13 666 0:39:57 Noel Hwang Tufts University

14 739 0:39:57 wyatt gengler US Military Academy

15 754 0:39:57 Jordan Miller McGill University

16 747 0:39:57 Gabriel Teo Columbia University-NYC

17 710 0:39:57 William Gowen Pennsylvania State University

18 654 0:39:57 Fisher Curran Boston University

19 700 0:39:57 Demitrios Apostolakis Rutgers University-New Brunswick

20 743 0:40:09 Alvin Leong New York University

21 715 0:40:09 Toby Hyde Columbia University-NYC

22 753 0:40:09 Andrew Yao McGill University

23 705 0:40:09 Joshua Finkelstein Northeastern University

24 672 0:40:24 Donovan Recny Boston College

25 1205 0:40:29 Peter Silins Queens University

26 732 0:40:32 Ian McCartney Lehigh University

27 657 0:40:37 Noah Smith Pennsylvania State University

28 1204 0:40:56 Brian Vermilyea McGill Cycling

29 721 0:41:08 Maximilian Hochschwender University of New Hampshire

30 748 0:41:08 Matthew Graca University of New Hampshire

31 733 0:41:08 Thomas Edgerton University of Vermont

32 762 0:41:15 David Gold Harvard University

33 749 0:41:40 Ian Wallace University of New Hampshire

34 758 0:42:44 Joshua Burd Princeton University

35 706 0:42:44 Brandon Russell Harvard University

36 662 0:45:09 John Robertson Queens University

37 761 0:45:17 Aristotle Boosalis Columbia University-NYC

38 760 0:45:37 Gene Henry Columbia University-NYC

39 746 0:46:37 Noah Lackstein McGill University

40 740 0:46:51 Nicholas Fitzsimmons University of Vermont

41 734 0:47:39 Charles You Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

42 699 0:47:39 Jose Aguilar Pennsylvania State University

43 731 0:47:39 Brandon Masterman New York University

DNF 661 Scott Waters Queens University

DNF 675 Yizhou Wang New York University

DNF 683 Anthony DePinto Boston University

DNF 692 Daniel Cole New York University

DNF 745 Andrew Young US Military Academy


Women D 25 starters 15.0 miles

Place Bib Time First Last Team Points

1 899 10:54:16 Kaitlyn Pinkett Queens University 21

2 865 10:54:16 Sophie Connor Dartmouth College 16

3 851 10:54:16 Rory Chea unattached 11

4 853 10:54:16 Karissa Wong McGill University 8

5 1295 10:54:33 Jessica He Boston University 5

6 857 10:54:39 Kaitlin Bender US Military Academy 4

7 859 10:54:43 Octavia Mulhern New York University 3

8 861 10:54:46 Victoria Zeuner Northeastern University 2

9 855 10:54:54 Tanya Boulanova Boston University 1

10 852 10:54:57 Peye Wong unattached

11 877 10:55:00 Raquel Kopeck University of Connecticut

12 884 10:55:01 Norah Stapleton US Military Academy

13 888 10:55:02 Jenny Duong Tufts University

14 1293 10:55:03 Nicole Peletz McGill University

15 858 10:55:20 Gabrielle Alford US Military Academy

16 860 10:57:41 Grace Gomez US Military Academy

17 864 10:57:42 Gabriela Zimbron University of Vermont

18 863 10:57:47 Mariah Palmer University of Vermont

19 885 11:01:11 Rebecca Storch Penn State-Lehigh Valley

20 875 11:03:11 Sherlyn Chen University of Pennsylvania

21 866 1 Lap Alexandra Lynn Dartmouth College

DNF 849 Tzeting Hsu Drexel University

DNF 856 Ellie Perry Bucknell University

DNF 893 Paige Kostanecki New York University

DNF 898 Tori Wuthrich Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Men E 13 starters 15.0 miles

Place Bib Time First Last Team Points

1 930 10:49:38 Oleksandr Kuzura Dartmouth College 12

2 929 10:50:33 Messen Timothy Dartmouth College 7

3 914 10:50:56 Deon van Gorsal Rochester Institute of Technology 5

4 932 10:50:56 Laurent Potvin Trottier Harvard University 3

5 1208 10:51:08 Stephen Nemy Syracuse University 1

6 1213 10:51:37 Marcos Jimenez Hunter College

7 928 10:51:57 Devin Sullivan Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

8 934 10:52:35 Harry August Lehigh University

9 933 10:52:38 Ziyu Wu Boston University

10 938 10:54:19 Carrick Porter Stevens Institute of Technology

11 1202 10:54:23 Maxwell Hoefer Danny's Cycles

12 935 10:54:38 John Vavala Rochester Institute of Technology

13 926 11:03:09 Quyseam Rivera Cadence Youth Cycling


Women 3/4 9 Starters 22 Miles

1 186 Miriam Gilbert CRCA/Dave Jordan Racing 1:08:45

2 142 Jacqueline Paull Team ProPower Coaching st

3 152 Shane Ferro Century Road Club Assoc st

4 187 Shara Arnofsky CRCA/Dave Jordan Racing st

5 185 Debra Kelsall McGill University st

6 141 Sarah Shipley McGill University st

7 178 Elizabeth Tyrell Team Somerset 1:08:48

8 144 Dalia Rojas st

DNF 153 Lisa OReilly National Capital Velo Club/UnitedHealthcare


Men 4/5 28 Starters 22 Miles

1 155 Keith Garrison King Kog 0:56:37

2 102 Anthony Cao New York University st

3 580 Charles Krouse Rochester Institute of Technology st

4 154 douglas plantada unattached st

5 156 Mark Steffen King Kog st

6 113 Matthew Hartsough unattached st

7 108 James Fox NYU Cycling st

8 151 Cyrus Greenspon Century Road Club Assoc st

9 103 Stephen Charron Cycle Craft st

10 104 Cody Corona CRCA/Rockstar Games st

11 131 David McNeary CRCA st

12 139 James Yoo CRCA/RBNY Racing–Verge Sport st

13 111 Eric-Martin Gaspar PPR.NYC st

14 122 Wouter Hoogenboom CRCA/Dave Jordan Racing st

15 162 Jan Wolfe Boston College st

16 110 Jorge Garcia Peregrine Performance Racing// PPR.NYC st

17 143 Sebastian Rodriguez unattached st

18 621 David Chen New York University st

19 114 Juan Henriquez unattached st

20 161 Matthew Payne Century Road Club Assoc 0:56:49

21 715 Toby Hyde Columbia University-NYC 1:01:23

22 562 Lee Sartain Columbia University-NYC 1:03:49

23 132 Peter Morters CRCA-RCCNY P&P

24 121 Maxwell Hoefer Danny's Cycles P&P

25 123 Marcos Jimenez Hunter College P&P

26 107 Christopher Farao Rutgers University-New Brunswick P&P

DNF 101 Rephael Bildner Yale Bulldog Cycling

DNF 134 Ben Wahlstrand CRCA/NY Vision Group
