ECCC Week 1, Philly Phlyer RR - Philadelphia, PA
ECCC Week 1
Road Race
Philly Phyler
Philadelphia, PA
March 19, 2016
Courtesy of Velocity Results
Men A 35 starters 39.0 miles
Place Bib Time First Last Team Points
1 16 1:39:33 Vivien Rindisbacher Killington Mountain School 80
2 7 1:39:35 Leon Lyakovetsky New York University 70
3 9 1:39:38 Michael Grome Yale University 63
4 1 1:40:02 Glenn Ferreira University of Delaware 57
5 19 1:40:06 Andrew Nicholas Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 51
6 4 1:40:33 Cameron McPhaden Queens University 45
7 30 1:40:38 Ryan Wei Temple University 40
8 26 1:41:01 Julian Georg Syracuse University 35
9 17 1:41:03 Noah Barrow Killington Mountain School 30
10 32 1:41:03 Alec Ratzell Fleetwood High School 26
11 29 1:41:03 Greg Hruby Columbia University-NYC 22
12 22 1:41:03 Vince Dunne Drexel University 18
13 2 1:41:03 Gregory Ratzell Pennsylvania State University 15
14 99 1:41:03 Kevin Bernstein Pennsylvania State University 12
15 14 1:41:03 Brian Alba Northeastern University 9
16 20 1:41:03 Connor Reardon Rochester Institute of Technology 7
17 15 1:41:03 Kenneth Englert US Military Academy 5
18 24 1:41:03 John Smith Boston University 3
19 23 1:41:03 Nathan Sievers Loyola University Maryland 2
20 12 1:41:03 Alec Cunningham University of New Hampshire 1
21 11 1:41:03 Steven Ramirez Harvard University
22 3 1:41:11 Drew Chidester Pennsylvania State University
23 21 1:41:13 James Read Pennsylvania State University
24 6 1:41:38 Patrick Farrell Queens University
25 25 1:42:49 Jason Hammond University of Delaware
26 33 1:46:40 Noah Epstein Tufts University
27 18 1:49:01 Frank Ortiz Temple University
28 5 P&P Jeff Waters Queens University
29 28 P&P Aaron Temple Keystone National High School
30 27 P&P Matthew Fischel University of Delaware
DNF 8 Alex Kellum University of Pennsylvania
DNF 10 Sam Damphousse University of Vermont
DNF 13 Christopher Welch Killington Mountain School
DNF 31 Robbie King Columbia University-NYC
DNF 34 Sam Margolis 0:00:00
Women A 15 starters 32.0 miles
Place Bib Time First Last Team Points
1 110 1:28:42 Monica Volk Pennsylvania State University 80
2 103 1:32:47 Rachel Blair Queens University 70
3 109 1:32:49 Samantha Fox Drexel University 63
4 108 1:38:07 Turner Ramsay Killington Mountain School 57
5 102 1:38:08 Amanda Schevers Queens University 51
6 106 1:38:08 Antonina Hafner Harvard University 45
7 101 1:38:08 Corey Tucker Massachusetts Institute of Technology 40
8 100 1:38:37 Jennifer Wilson Massachusetts Institute of Technology 35
9 105 1:38:54 Melissa Seib University of Vermont 30
10 112 P&P Leslie Lupien Dartmouth College 26
11 111 P&P Jess Bunchek Pennsylvania State University 22
12 107 1 Lap Elizabeth White University of Vermont 18
DNF 104 Julie vanderHoop Massachusetts Institute of Technology
DNF 113 Anna Janas Columbia University-NYC
DNF 114 Anastasia Yanchilina Columbia University-NYC
Women B 7 starters 32.0 miles
Place Bib Time First Last Team Points
1 199 1:38:08 Ariana Adler University of Connecticut 48
2 155 1:38:08 Gabrielle Longchamp King's College 41
3 154 1:38:09 Allie Johnson University of Pennsylvania 35
4 150 1:38:09 Alli Mrugal Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 30
5 151 P&P Evelyn Korbich Bucknell University 26
6 152 P&P Josephine VanLoozen Drexel University 22
7 153 1 Lap Kirsten Pearsons Pennsylvania State University 18
Women A/B Combined 22 starters
Place Bib Time First Last Team Cat
1 110 1:28:42 Monica Volk Pennsylvania State University A
2 103 1:32:47 Rachel Blair Queens University A
3 109 1:32:49 Samantha Fox Drexel University A
4 108 1:38:07 Turner Ramsay Killington Mountain School A
5 102 1:38:08 Amanda Schevers Queens University A
6 106 1:38:08 Antonina Hafner Harvard University A
7 101 1:38:08 Corey Tucker Massachusetts Institute of Technology A
8 199 1:38:08 Ariana Adler University of Connecticut B
9 155 1:38:08 Gabrielle Longchamp King's College B
10 154 1:38:09 Allie Johnson University of Pennsylvania B
11 150 1:38:09 Alli Mrugal Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute B
12 100 1:38:37 Jennifer Wilson Massachusetts Institute of Technology A
13 105 1:38:54 Melissa Seib University of Vermont A
14 112 P&P Leslie Lupien Dartmouth College A
15 111 P&P Jess Bunchek Pennsylvania State University A
16 151 P&P Evelyn Korbich Bucknell University B
17 152 P&P Josephine VanLoozen Drexel University B
18 107 1 Lap Elizabeth White University of Vermont A
19 153 1 Lap Kirsten Pearsons Pennsylvania State University B
DNF 104 DNF Julie vanderHoop Massachusetts Institute of Technology A
DNF 113 DNF Anna Janas Columbia University-NYC A
DNF 114 DNF Anastasia Yanchilina Columbia University-NYC A
Men B 26 starters 32.0 miles
Place Bib Time First Last Team Points
1 203 1:28:06 Nicholas Lando University of Vermont 48
2 207 1:28:18 Philip Kreycik Massachusetts Institute of Technology 41
3 216 1:29:18 Benjamin Jankowski University of Massachusetts Amherst 35
4 219 1:29:18 Adam Pressel US Naval Academy 30
5 221 1:29:18 Brian Hicks Rhode Island School of Design 26
6 211 1:29:18 Patrick Murphy University of Vermont 22
7 208 1:29:18 Colin Meyer Harvard University 18
8 209 1:29:18 Darin Alleman Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania 15
9 212 1:29:18 Scott Coblentz Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania 12
10 213 1:29:18 Adam Ruff US Military Academy 9
11 225 1:29:18 Daniel Kaltman Tufts University 7
12 215 1:29:18 Kyle Helson Brown University 5
13 217 1:29:18 Johannes Stromski Killington Mountain School 3
14 224 1:29:18 nikolas bentel Rhode Island School of Design 2
15 200 1:29:18 Justin Bandoro Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1
16 202 1:29:18 Samuel Hedlund University of Vermont
17 218 1:29:18 Josh Chu Killington Mountain School
18 226 1:29:18 Neal Overbeck Drexel University
19 201 1:29:18 Tom OGrady Massachusetts Institute of Technology
20 220 1:31:00 Jason Ceresoli Rochester Institute of Technology
21 214 1:31:09 George Emanuel Harvard University
22 205 1:31:50 Derek Smith Queens University
23 210 1:33:34 Charles Mandel University of Vermont
24 222 1:33:48 Dean Zeffer Lehigh University
25 206 1 Lap Paul Lamarche University of Vermont
DNF 204 Ethan Sokol Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Men C 85 starters 26.0 miles
Place Bib Time First Last Team Points
1 624 1:09:12 Michael Landry Yale University 32
2 629 1:09:12 Brian Drollette Yale University 24
3 618 1:09:12 Andrew Scott Princeton University 18
4 615 1:09:12 Caleb Parnell Juniata College 15
5 568 1:09:12 Hugh Kenny Bates College 12
6 585 1:09:12 Riley Joinnides Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 9
7 625 1:09:12 Mitchell Kilborn Princeton University 7
8 614 1:09:12 Luke Gangi-Wellman Juniata College 5
9 567 1:09:12 brian payne Rhode Island School of Design 4
10 617 1:09:12 Jack Stevenson Harvard University 3
11 631 1:09:17 Justin Clark University of New Hampshire 2
12 576 1:09:18 Geno Villafano University of Connecticut 1
13 609 1:09:18 Elias Bull Rutgers University-New Brunswick
14 648 1:09:18 Carlo Quicho Boston University
15 598 1:09:18 Jack Lynch Hanover Norwich School
16 635 1:09:18 Benito Cecenas University of Vermont
17 589 1:09:23 Gregory DiGuido Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
18 580 1:09:23 Charles Krouse Rochester Institute of Technology
19 579 1:09:23 Simon Voorhees Lehigh University
20 616 1:09:23 Joseph Schnaubelt Juniata College
21 577 1:09:36 Nicholas Chapman University of Connecticut
22 570 1:09:36 Alexander Arau Bates College
23 613 1:09:47 Devon Jasinski University of New Hampshire
24 587 1:09:51 Andrew Kless University of Rochester
25 594 1:09:51 Brad Pettigrew University of Pennsylvania
26 621 1:09:51 David Chen New York University
27 630 1:09:51 Christopher Otterness Drexel University
28 647 1:09:51 Rob Hamill University of Pennsylvania
29 569 1:09:51 Matthew Shea North Hunterdon High School
30 582 1:09:56 Adam Lovell University of New Hampshire
31 574 1:10:02 Michael Saah Temple University
32 575 1:10:11 Andrew Suzuki University of Connecticut
33 610 1:10:11 Alex Lyon University of Massachusetts Amherst
34 573 1:10:31 Matthew Davies Williams College
35 632 1:10:32 Shawn Quinn Boston College
36 572 1:10:39 Andrew Thivierge University of Connecticut
37 641 1:10:41 Andrew Carter University of Vermont
38 590 1:10:54 Galen Xing Columbia University-NYC
39 637 1:11:12 Ben Pirie Queens University
40 620 1:11:45 Logan Blaine Princeton University
41 600 1:11:55 Bryce Lerew Juniata College
42 571 1:11:57 Rob Hamill University of Pennsylvania
43 566 1:11:57 Ian Whittall University of Pennsylvania
44 588 1:11:59 Adan Horta Columbia University-NYC
45 592 1:12:11 Meng Sun Columbia University-NYC
46 583 1:12:14 Jonathan Davies Brown University
47 644 1:12:17 Steven Robare Bucknell University
48 581 1:12:19 Matthew Buell Lehigh University
49 634 1:12:24 Matthew Li Massachusetts Institute of Technology
50 636 1:12:40 Kevin Griffin Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
51 578 1:12:42 Gilles Merckx Lehigh University
52 623 1:13:05 Benjamen Shrewsberry Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
53 638 1:13:08 Michael Moore Jones Yale University
54 619 1:13:58 Luke Shaw Princeton University
55 584 1:14:14 Charles Sinkler Worcester Polytechnic Institute
56 601 1:14:22 Preston Pritchard US Military Academy
57 640 1:14:26 Matthew Albano Rutgers University-New Brunswick
58 612 1:14:29 Shea Ratynski New York University
59 599 1:14:58 Samuel Carroll Pennsylvania State University
60 591 1:14:58 Chris Perkins Columbia University-NYC
61 602 1:15:00 Jacob Rita Lehigh University
62 586 1:15:11 Luke Okerlund University of Rochester
63 649 1:15:11 Peter Daniels Boston University
64 664 1:15:31 Christopher Hatton Queens University
65 628 1:15:31 Jordan Carter Queens University
66 605 1:15:43 Matthew Matusky Rutgers University-New Brunswick
67 607 1:16:16 August Granath Northeastern University
68 595 1:17:24 Pranjal Singi University of Delaware
69 606 1:21:08 Morgan Rockett Northeastern University
70 603 1:22:14 Kyle Sammon Lehigh University
71 633 1:22:14 Benjamin Egan Boston College
DNF 593 Cheng Li Pennsylvania State University
DNF 596 Joseph Slamm Northeastern University
DNF 597 Andrew Idell University of Delaware
DNF 604 Judson Smull Lehigh University
DNF 608 Daniel Kozar Pennsylvania State University
DNF 611 Mathieu Bernier-Trudeau Harvard University
DNF 622 Andre Chusan Princeton University
DNF 626 Ben Emery University of Vermont
DNF 627 Alexander Bruch Yale University
DNF 639 Caleb Winn University of Vermont
DNF 642 Alberto Amaral University of Pennsylvania
DNF 643 Youyang Zhao Massachusetts Institute of Technology
DNF 645 Edward Prescott Bucknell University
DNF 646 Eli Bravo Bucknell University
Women C 26 starters 26.0 miles
Place Bib Time First Last Team Points
1 891 Heidi Miller Princeton University 1:20:48 32
2 365 1:21:20 Danielle Morshead Brown University 24
3 357 1:21:32 Caroline Wisheart Queens University 18
4 359 1:21:33 Kathryn Olesnavage Massachusetts Institute of Technology 15
5 358 1:21:41 Hannah Simms Queens University 12
6 369 1:23:46 Samantha Downey University of Pennsylvania 9
7 350 1:23:46 Emily Aaldenberg Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 7
8 374 1:23:46 Clara Wang University of Pennsylvania 5
9 352 1:23:48 Valerie Cyr University of Vermont 4
10 373 1:23:51 Tess Timmes Boston University 3
11 362 1:23:52 Elizabeth Psiaki US Military Academy 2
12 1297 1:24:05 Sarah Rutledge Pennsylvania State University 1
13 371 1:24:06 Elena Crouch University of Pennsylvania
14 353 1:25:00 Lucy Archer Massachusetts Institute of Technology
15 356 1:25:10 Kasinee Gehring Pennsylvania State University
16 372 1:26:23 Stephanie Lie Boston University
17 364 1:26:30 Rachel Pedersen Brown University
18 355 1:27:40 Simone Bailey University of Vermont
19 366 1:28:10 Margaret Mathieu Brown University
20 370 1:30:22 Danielle Smith Dartmouth College
21 360 1:33:12 Natasha Dobrott Boston College
22 354 1 Lap Merrill Oakley Yale University
23 361 1 Lap Nicole Walch University of Vermont
24 368 1 Lap Lizzie Wright Rhode Island School of Design
DNF 351 Jenna LaTourNichols Rutgers University-New Brunswick
DNF 363 Jasmine Tsai Rutgers University-New Brunswick
DNF 367 Alena Lovi Borgmann Columbia University-NYC
Men D 86 starters 20.0 miles
Place Bib Time First Last Team Points
1 709 0:54:35 Nelson Beimfohr Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania 21
2 671 0:54:35 Kenneth Weitzman Tufts University 16
3 673 0:54:35 Anthony Cao New York University 11
4 674 0:54:44 Charles Barton Massachusetts Institute of Technology 8
5 667 0:54:44 Daniel Russell University of Vermont 5
6 668 0:54:48 John Russell Tufts University 4
7 678 0:54:48 Austin Meyer Ferris Boston College 3
8 693 0:54:48 Timothy Putnam University of New Hampshire 2
9 707 0:54:48 Cobie Arnold Pennsylvania State University 1
10 718 0:54:59 Samuel Cordner Columbia University-NYC
11 665 0:54:59 Tobias Ehrenberger Massachusetts Institute of Technology
12 690 0:54:59 Jackson Vogel New York University
13 793 0:54:59 Kyle Hall University of Connecticut
14 714 0:55:05 Thomas DeLucia Drexel University
15 687 0:55:19 Richard Taylor Temple University
16 723 0:55:38 Jeff Hennessy University of Delaware
17 705 0:55:38 Joshua Finkelstein Northeastern University
18 684 0:55:38 Dorian Seibel Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
19 713 0:55:38 Conrad Dorn Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
20 676 0:55:59 Rory Glover Harvard University
21 692 0:56:00 Daniel Cole New York University
22 716 0:56:26 Cooper Bates Columbia University-NYC
23 660 0:56:33 Jordan Bravin Yale University
24 654 0:56:46 Fisher Curran Boston University
25 702 0:57:10 Guangzhi Tang Rutgers University-New Brunswick
26 694 0:57:55 William Wahl Pennsylvania State University
27 712 0:57:58 Matthew Schram Massachusetts Institute of Technology
28 669 0:57:58 Michael Fader Queens University
29 659 0:57:58 Michael Everett Massachusetts Institute of Technology
30 658 0:58:01 Kurt Schlosser Bucknell University
31 670 0:58:04 Przemyslaw Krol Massachusetts Institute of Technology
32 719 0:58:09 Graeme Bignell University of New Hampshire
33 653 0:58:16 Wesley Low Boston University
34 797 0:58:32 Nicholas Hellmann University of Connecticut
35 799 0:58:38 Noah Jenkins University of Connecticut
36 672 0:59:05 Donovan Recny Boston College
37 791 0:59:07 Joshua Santeusanio Temple University
38 677 0:59:56 Ethan Campbell Princeton University
39 715 0:59:56 Toby Hyde Columbia University-NYC
40 675 0:59:56 Yizhou Wang New York University
41 679 1:00:02 Mitchell Donat Boston College
42 706 1:00:04 Brandon Russell Harvard University
43 701 1:00:11 Jesus Rivera Rutgers University-New Brunswick
44 794 1:00:11 Aidan Lorenz Temple University
45 722 1:00:24 Thomas Lyver Providence College
46 711 1:00:31 Charles Akerblom Pennsylvania State University
47 683 1:00:35 Anthony DePinto Boston University
48 724 1:01:22 Jesus Nieto University of Delaware
49 698 1:01:28 Jacob Brown Pennsylvania State University
50 695 1:01:29 Jernej Turnsek Harvard University
51 651 1:01:38 Ryan Singh Boston University
52 720 1:01:50 Eric Bellomo Villanova University
53 657 1:02:49 Noah Smith Pennsylvania State University
54 661 1:03:15 Scott Waters Queens University
55 652 1:03:23 Carlos Syquia Boston University
56 728 1:03:24 Wynn Geary Rhode Island School of Design
57 680 1:03:37 Sumit Dutta Massachusetts Institute of Technology
58 686 1:03:39 John Barrett University of Pennsylvania
59 656 1:03:44 Jose Antonio Turalba Boston University
60 704 1:03:50 Qi Gao Rutgers University-New Brunswick
61 717 1:03:51 Ben Kirchenschlager University of New Hampshire
62 696 1:03:53 Luke Kelly Harvard University
63 663 1:05:05 Oliver Dwyer Queens University
64 708 1:05:36 Ammon Okazaki US Military Academy
65 681 1:05:48 Jin Hwang University of Pennsylvania
66 685 1:05:52 Geovanny Balderas University of Pennsylvania
67 721 1:06:40 Maximilian Hochschwender University of New Hampshire
68 796 1:06:47 Robert Parkes Millersville University of Pennsylvania
69 650 1:06:56 Young Han Chang Temple University
70 662 1:07:03 John Robertson Queens University
71 682 1:07:45 Amir Elayyan Massachusetts Institute of Technology
72 790 1:07:58 Avery McLocklin Drexel University
73 726 1:10:13 John Santangelo Drexel University
DNF 666 Noel Hwang Tufts University
DNF 688 Will Cruser Juniata College
DNF 689 Emil Eklund Juniata College
DNF 691 Lucas Curtis Juniata College
DNF 699 Jose Aguilar Pennsylvania State University
DNF 700 Demitrios Apostolakis Rutgers University-New Brunswick
DNF 703 Xavier Nogueira Temple University
DNF 710 William Gowen Pennsylvania State University
DNF 725 Will Hass University of Delaware
DNF 727 Hong Kyu Park Rhode Island School of Design
DNF 792 Brent Phillips Temple University
DNF 795 Bobby Chambers University of Connecticut
DNF 798 Andrew Pantason University of Connecticut
Women D 67 starters 20.0 miles
Place Bib Time First Last Team Points
1 886 0:59:54 Megan Galinat Northeastern University 21
2 870 1:00:28 Eve Maxson Bates College 16
3 893 1:00:28 Paige Kostanecki New York University 11
4 898 1:00:30 Tori Wuthrich Massachusetts Institute of Technology 8
5 1536 1:00:30 Lauren Chesnutt Kelpius Cycling 5
6 882 1:00:38 Cilia Jaeger Drexel University 4
7 1554 1:01:37 Shannon Mulcahy Women Bike PHL Racing 3
8 1573 1:02:38 Mary Weston Women Bike PHL 2
9 879 1:02:38 1
10 894 1:02:40 Gabriela Zimbron University of Vermont
11 1557 1:02:47 Michelle Ritondo Women Bike PHL Racing
12 1546 1:02:47 Jen Hock Women Bike PHL
13 1556 1:03:33 Christina Peters Women Bike PHL Racing
14 1574 1:03:45 Sue Wiedorn Team B3 Cycling
15 884 1:04:37 Norah Stapleton US Military Academy
16 1538 1:04:38 Margaret Duffy unattached
17 1298 1:04:50 Linda Reynard Harvard University
18 868 1:05:04 Aliza Tobias Fleetwood High School
19 899 1:05:07 Kaitlyn Pinkett Queens University
20 1542 1:05:10 Julie Erhart Women Bike PHL Racing
21 1550 1:05:31 Hillary MacBain Women Bike PHL Racing - HLMT
22 897 1:05:31 Rachel Snider University of Vermont
23 1570 1:06:54 McKensie Walker 0:00:00
24 1296 1:07:16 Julia Thompson QCW Cycling
25 887 1:07:20 Tanya Boulanova Boston University
26 877 1:07:23 Raquel Kopeck University of Connecticut
27 876 1:08:36 Emma Freymann 0:00:00
28 892 1:08:45 Samantha Andrade Yale University
29 1567 1:09:47 Kristen Turpin WomenBike PHL Racing
30 1569 1:09:47 Katie VanVliet Women Bike PHL Racing
31 883 1:09:48 Lauren Montieth Brown University
32 800 1:09:49 Elizabeth Tujak Weiss University of Connecticut
33 890 1:10:56 Kang Hsin Lee Tufts University
34 1545 1:12:13 Stacy Grimes Bicycle Revolutions
35 869 1:12:21 Christina Strachoff Rhode Island School of Design
36 1576 1:12:56 Linda Wolfe Women Bike PHL
37 885 1:12:59 Rebecca Storch Penn State-Lehigh Valley
38 881 1:14:09 Hoa Tran Drexel University
39 1571 1:14:32 Chelsea Wallace unattached
40 875 1:16:06 Sherlyn Chen University of Pennsylvania
41 1562 1:16:08 Isabella Siegel Women Bike PHL Racing
42 871 1:16:33 Maya Cannon Rhode Island School of Design
43 1563 1:18:14 Larkin Silverman Bicycle Revolutions Racing
44 1581 1:19:22 Ixsa Gollihur
45 1548 1:19:23 Amanda Labora WBPHL Racing
46 895 1:19:50 Elizabeth Green Boston College
47 888 1:23:05 Jenny Duong Tufts University
48 1540 P&P Katie Edwards Women Bike PHL Racing
49 1555 P&P Melissa O'Connor Women Bike PHL Racing
50 878 P&P Katherine Corwin Providence College
DNF 867 Tzeting Hsu Drexel University
DNF 872 Tia BlaisBillie Rhode Island School of Design
DNF 873 Holly Good Stevens Institute of Technology
DNF 874 Johanna Pluymers Stevens Institute of Technology
DNF 880 Kelly Ta Temple University
DNF 889 Lindsey McCreary Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
DNF 896 coretta scott sime toundji Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
DNF 1299 Kaitlyn Pinkett Queens University
DNF 1534 Alexa Adams QCW Cycling p.b.
DNF 1539 Jenny Duong Tufts Cycling
DNF 1543 Emma Freymann Kelpius Cycling
DNF 1547 Kathryn Hurchla Campano Breakaway
DNF 1552 Victoria Mather QCW Cycling p.b.
DNF 1560 Elizabeth Russell unattached
DNF 1564 Rachel Snider UVM Cycling
DNF 1575 Ronethea Williams Women Bike PHL Racing
Men E 43 starters 20.0 miles
Place Bib Time First Last Team Points
1 903 0:53:14 Marc Hafner Harvard University 12
2 1549 0:53:15 Ryan Lee unattached 7
3 1201 0:53:16 0:00:00 Zook QCW Cycling 5
4 1200 0:54:03 Robert Thompson QCW Cycling 3
5 1561 0:54:15 Stephen Saxton Kelpius Cycling 1
6 923 0:55:14 Ryan Breslin 0:00:00
7 1577 0:56:39 Mark Yanagisawa unattached
8 911 0:57:00 Zachary Brennan Drexel University
9 1565 0:57:02 Venkat Subramanian QCW Cycling p.b.
10 1566 0:57:04 Rob Sutherland unattached
11 1541 0:57:06 Dustin Elliott unattached
12 1535 0:57:06 Akim Akimov unattached
13 915 0:57:20 Grant Fong Brown University
14 906 0:58:52 Trevyn Langsford Northeastern University
15 922 0:58:52 Chris Blackwood Stevens Institute of Technology
16 914 0:58:52 Deon van Gorsel Rochester Institute of Technology
17 908 0:59:04 Nicholas Rohleder Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
18 905 0:59:19 Thomas Shea Boston College
19 917 1:01:28 Gavin Hawkes Rochester Institute of Technology
20 1537 1:01:30 Russell Douglas unattached
21 909 1:01:31 Andrew DeMaio Drexel University
22 901 1:01:40 Johno Barns University of Vermont
23 1551 1:03:49 Jonathan MacQueen unattached
24 1579 1:03:51 0:00:00 0:00:00 Syracuse
25 916 1:04:47 John Donohue Syracuse University
26 902 1:05:06 fangzheng guo Tufts University
27 907 1:05:32 Carlos Lara Rutgers University-New Brunswick
28 918 1:05:39 Eric Bowmaster Rochester Institute of Technology
29 904 1:06:30 August Rock Tufts University
30 920 1:07:21 Connor Oberle Stevens Institute of Technology
31 912 1:08:11 Matthew Peled Villanova University
32 900 1:08:40 Joshua GuzmanWolfe Bucknell University
33 910 1:13:46 Aaron Walker University of Delaware
34 913 1:17:35 Louis Rondinella Villanova University
DNF 919 Dmitriy Savinskiy Stevens Institute of Technology
DNF 921 Samay Dholakia Stevens Institute of Technology
DNF 924 John Wise Loyola University Maryland
DNF 1544 Jason Gleiter unattached
DNF 1553 Robert McHugh unattached
DNF 1558 August Rock Tufts Cycling
DNF 1559 Louis Rondinella Villanova Cycling
DNF 1568 Deon van Gorsel Rochester Institute of Technology
DNF 1572 Nik Weidenbacher QCW Cycling
Women P/1/2/3 10 Starters 32 Miles
1 199 Amy Cutler Fearless Femme Racing 1:28:40
2 187 Cheryl Clark 1:28:43
3 188 Rachel Rubino Level Eleven Racing p/b PB2 1:32:45
4 197 Elspeth Huyett QCW pb 1:32:45
5 196 Arley Kemmerer Level Eleven Racing p/b PB2 1:33:07
6 198 Shane Ferro CRCA/Rockstar Games 1:38:07
7 186 Jacqueline Paull Team ProPower Coaching 1:38:07
8 195 Natalie Koch Team Novo Nordisk 1:38:07
9 189 Sophia Lee Laser Cats Feline All Stars 1 Lap
DNF 190 Shaina Kravitz Kelpius Cycling
Men P/1/2/3 69 Starters 46 Miles
1 334 Michael Margarite CRCA/The Weather Channel Giant Cycling Team 1:47:07
2 313 David Dawson Team Skyline 1:47:18
3 321 Chase Goldstein CRCA/The Weather Channel Giant Cycling Team 1:47:18
4 302 Peter Alter QCW Cycling p.b. 1:47:18
5 316 Micah Engle Gateway Harley-Davidson Trek U23 1:47:18
6 306 Andrew Bernstein Long Tail Creative Cycling Team 1:47:18
7 340 Craig Nichols CS Velo 1:47:18
8 333 Alex Kellum QCW Cycling 1:47:24
9 310 William Cooper QCW p/b Felt Bicycles-JLVelo1:48:34
10 335 Scott McGill unattached 1:48:39
11 307 Sean Burger CS Velo 1:48:41
12 339 Karl Nelson QCW p/b Felt Bicycles-JLVelo1:48:41
13 324 Victor Gras CRCA/Rockstar Games 1:48:41
14 325 Joe Hallman SwashBuckler Brewing Co Cycling 1:48:41
15 318 Sean Gardner Kelly Benefit Strategies - Gold 1:48:41
16 372 Jonathan Marshall PTS Racing 1:48:41
17 303 Baris Aytan CRCA/e2Value 1:48:41
18 360 Robert wasch CS Velo 1:48:41
19 368 Christopher Baccash Tri State Velo 1:48:42
20 371 Jacob Skrip Young Medalists 1:48:42
21 370 Jesse Stauffer Lateral Stress Velo Inc. 1:48:42
22 355 Justin Sotdorus The Bike Shak Cycling Team 1:48:42
23 343 Gorgi Popstefanov Team Metra / XRCEL / Cycles 54 1:48:42
24 301 Mark Allain Shirks Racing Masters Team 1:48:42
25 363 Joshua West B I C Y C L E T H E R A P Y 1:48:42
26 322 Wyatt Goral Holowesko | Citadel p/b Hincapie Junior Team 1:48:42
27 319 Brady Gibney CS Velo 1:48:42
28 330 Joseph Hydrick CS Velo 1:48:42
29 336 James Miceli Tri-State Velo / Amoroso's Racing Team 1:48:42
30 328 Calvin Hoops Tri-State Velo/Amoroso's Racing Team 1:48:43
31 369 Jason Lindemuth SwashBuckler Brewing Co Cycling 1:48:43
32 350 Alan Royek EC Devo Cycling 1:48:43
33 362 Steven Wentworth Tri-State Velo / Amoroso's Racing Team 1:48:43
34 353 Andrew Seitz Kelly Benefit Strategies - Gold 1:48:43
35 342 Kyle Penny Team Skyline 1:48:43
36 351 Colin Sandberg Team GPOA 1:48:43
37 347 Ryan Rapolas QCW p/b Felt Bicycles-JLVelo1:48:43
38 96 Martin Mrugal PA Masters RC 1:48:43
39 304 David Balli QCW Cycling p.b. 1:48:43
40 308 Daniel Chabanov Van Dessel Factory Team 1:48:43
41 348 Aaron Ritz QCW Cycling p.b. 1:48:44
42 300 Gerald Adasavage CRCA/The Weather Channel Giant Cycling Team 1:48:44
43 357 James Stevens CRCA/The Weather Channel Giant Cycling Team 1:48:44
44 320 Nathan Goates Antietam Velo Club 1:48:44
45 315 John Drummond Arrow Racing 1:48:44
46 349 Jason Roth SwashBuckler Brewing Co Cycling 1:48:44
47 354 Ryan Smolko RHR p/b Shirk's Bike Shop 1:49:10
48 341 Taylor Pearman Kelly Benefit Strategies - Gold 1:50:15
DNF 305 Aaron Barr Swashbuckler Brewing Co Cycling
DNF 309 Cheryl Clark Team TIBCO - Silicon Valley Bank
DNF 311 Nate Cornman CS Velo
DNF 312 Jonah Coste QCW Cycling p.b.
DNF 317 Alan Fody Tri-State Velo / Amoroso's Racing Team
DNF 323 Anwar Gorham unattached
DNF 326 Keith Hatton Tri-State Velo / Amoroso's Racing Team
DNF 327 Brent Hinkle Active Yards
DNF 329 Seth Houston The Performance Lab p/b Caffeinated Cyclist
DNF 332 Drew Karlberg Shirk's Racing
DNF 338 Daniel Mullen QCW Cycling p.b.
DNF 344 Erik Post CRCA/The Weather Channel Giant Cycling Team
DNF 345 John Rachfal CS Velo
DNF 356 Peter Sotherland Kelly Benefit Strategies/LSV
DNF 358 Brad Thompson Amoroso's/TSV
DNF 359 Daniel Tokarczyk Kelly Benefit Strategies - Gold
DNF 361 Tim Weigelt CS Velo
DNF 364 Gregory Whitney Arrow Racing
DNF 365 Curtis Windor Kelly Benefit Strategies - Gold
DNF 366 Brett Houser Drexel University
DNF 373 Kevin Saint Clair Delaware Valley Racing
Men 3/4 79 Starters 32 Miles
1 471 Andrew Yoder 1:21:03
2 467 Jeff Watts Green Mtn Cyclery 1:23:52
3 414 Matthew Fischel Racing Team 1:24:53
4 440 Chris Pino The 5th Floor NYC 1:24:53
5 403 David Balli QCW Cycling p.b. 1:24:53
6 419 Anwar Gorham unattached 1:24:53
7 424 Adriano Hauck Riders of Rohan 1:24:53
8 412 Kurt Dodds CS Velo 1:24:53
9 446 Tom Rodarie CRCA/Wafels & Dinges 1:24:53
10 421 Michael Green Arrow Racing 1:24:53
11 465 Brent Vollrath unattached 1:24:53
12 415 Ryan Fisher The 5th Floor NYC 1:24:53
13 408 Nate Cornman CS Velo 1:24:53
14 461 Aaron Temple ActiveYards 1:24:53
15 476 Brian Case Bucknell University 1:24:53
16 413 Mitchell Ernst South Mountain Cycles 1:24:53
17 469 Christopher Woltemade AVC / Team Hagerstown-Washington County 1:24:53
18 401 Alec Babala Ashton Greycork Cycling 1:24:53
19 459 Benjamin Strine Thru It All Body Shop 1:24:53
20 427 Carl Jacob unattached 1:24:53
21 428 Brian Kall Philadelphia Ciclismo 1:24:53
22 29 Greg Kaplan QCW Cycling p.b. 1:24:53
23 438 Daniel Mullen QCW Cycling p.b. 1:24:53
24 420 Scott Gray Swashbuckler Brewing Co Cycling 1:24:53
25 405 Matthew Brubaker LancBike 1:24:53
26 444 Lane Randolph unattached 1:24:53
27 404 Austin Banks Young Medalists 1:24:53
28 468 Andrew Wiedwald Young Medalists 1:24:53
29 477 Nick Jurman Century Road Club Assoc 1:24:53
30 443 Trevor Raab unattached 1:24:53
31 482 Bradley Green Vortex Cycling Club 1:24:53
32 456 Peter Sotherland Kelly Benefit Strategies/LSV 1:24:53
33 425 Weldon Hill Delta Racing/Raising Canes Racing 1:24:53
34 437 Brendan McGrath Arrow Racing 1:24:53
35 448 Stephen Rousseau CRCA/ KH-Pactimo p/b Century 1:24:53
36 463 Serguei Tiourine CRCA/Wafels & Dinges 1:25:04
37 422 Eric Greenberg Arrow Racing 1:25:04
38 479 Philip BenneDaniels unattached 1:25:09
39 407 Joseph Clay Young Medalists 1:25:23
40 409 Cody Corona CRCA/Rockstar Games 1:25:40
41 458 Jerod Stoner JS Designs 1:27:11
42 470 Paul Yeates CRCA/Rockstar Games 1:30:16
43 457 Brandon Staub Young Medalist 1:33:42
44 447 Evans Rohrbaugh The Bike Shak 1:33:55
45 435 Matthew Mangan CS Velo 1:34:00
46 449 Blake Rubin Arrow Racing 1:34:00
47 450 Louis Russo Bicycle Revolutions Racing 1:34:00
48 416 Werner Freymann Philadelphia Ciclismo 1:34:00
49 464 Justin Trezza CS Velo 1:34:14
50 453 Gregory Sherrick Blue Bell Private Wealth Management p/b Cannond1:34:15
51 432 Sam Konstantinov unattached 1:35:06
52 478 Gregory Danielewicz Guys Racing Club 1:35:06
53 406 Wanya Cave Tri-State Velo / Amoroso's Racing Team 1:39:32
54 433 William Walton Young Medalists 1:39:32
55 400 Adam Adler Greater Hartford Cycling Club 1:39:32
56 474 Christopher Rassekh QCW Cycling 1:39:32
57 454 Anthony Smith Thru It All Body Shop 1 Lap
DNF 402 Christopher Baccash unattached
DNF 410 Michael Coyle QCW Cycling p.b.
DNF 411 Mark Detweiler Blue Bell Private Wealth Management p/b Cannondale
DNF 417 Evan Goldberg Rock Creek Velo
DNF 423 Brett Halpern CRCA/Dave Jordan Racing
DNF 426 Michael Hoffman HUP United
DNF 430 Simon Khalif CRCA/ GF Capital H&E
DNF 431 Max Knee FUJI - TIC
DNF 434 Joseph Manacchio PA Masters RC
DNF 436 Jeffery Markham Thru It All Body Shop
DNF 439 Christopher Peris Thru It All Body Shop
DNF 441 Brian Quinn CRCA/Rapha Cycling Club
DNF 442 Ryan Quinn CRCA/Wafels & Dinges
DNF 445 Samuel Riegel The Performance Lab p/b Caffeinated Cyclist
DNF 455 Aaron Snyder 7 Mountains Lodge
DNF 460 Collin Tellechea Tri State Velo
DNF 462 Justin Thompson Tri-State Velo
DNF 472 Chad Young Active Yards - CCV
DNF 473 Karl Zahn UVM Cycling
DNF 475 Brett Houser Drexel University
DNF 480 Gerard Josulevicz Vortex Cycling Club
DNF 481 Saras Perry Anderson Young Medalists