Velocity Results


Green Mountain Stage RaceKOM ClassificationSeptember 3-6, 2010Courtesy of Velocity ResultsMen Pro/1Stage 2 - The Bridges Circuit RaceKOM #1 - Route 100 - Duxbury - Lap 2PlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1   4  David         Veilleux  Kelly Benefit Strategies           5  2   51 Ian           Holt      Battley Harley-Davidson/Sonoma/Te  3  3   13 Timothy       Johnson   UnitedHealthcare pb Maxxis         1KOM #2 - Route 100 - Duxbury - Lap 3PlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1   11 Reid          Mumford   Kelly Benefit Strategies           5  2   90 Jean-Michel   Lachance  Nativo/PG/Devinci                  3  3   30 Peter         Bradshaw  Embrocation Cycling Journal        1KOM #3 - Route 100 - Duxbury - Lap 4PlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1   11 Reid          Mumford   Kelly Benefit Strategies           5  2   90 Jean-Michel   Lachance  Nativo/PG/Devinci                  3  3   20 Justin        Spinelli  CCB/WHEELWORKS                     1Stage 3 - Champion Systems Mad River Road RaceKOM #1 - Route 125 - Middlebury GapPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1   2  William       Dugan     Team Type 1                        10  2   5  Jeremy        Powers    Jelly Belly P/B Kenda              7  3   4  David         Veilleux  Kelly Benefit Strategies           5  4   33 Joshua        Bartlett  Bell Lap Coaching                  3  5   43 Austin        Roach     MetLife p/b groSolar               1KOM #2 - Notch Rd - BristolPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1   2  William       Dugan     Team Type 1                        5  2   5  Jeremy        Powers    Jelly Belly P/B Kenda              3  3   19 Josh          Dillon / Cannondale           1KOM #3 - Finish - Appalachian GapPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1   4  David         Veilleux  Kelly Benefit Strategies           10  2   5  Jeremy        Powers    Jelly Belly P/B Kenda              7  3   2  William       Dugan     Team Type 1                        5  4   12 Will          Routley   Jelly Belly Presented by Kenda     3  5   1  Jamey         Driscoll  Jamis/Sutter Home Professional Cy  1Overall ResultsPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1   2  William       Dugan     Team Type 1                        20  2   4  David         Veilleux  Kelly Benefit Strategies           20  3   5  Jeremy        Powers    Jelly Belly P/B Kenda              17  4   11 Reid          Mumford   Kelly Benefit Strategies           10  5   90 Jean-Michel   Lachance  Nativo/PG/Devinci                  6  6   51 Ian           Holt      Battley Harley-Davidson/Sonoma/Te  3  7   12 Will          Routley   Jelly Belly Presented by Kenda     3  8   33 Joshua        Bartlett  Bell Lap Coaching                  3  9   13 Timothy       Johnson   UnitedHealthcare pb Maxxis         1 10   1  Jamey         Driscoll  Jamis/Sutter Home Professional Cy  1 11   43 Austin        Roach     MetLife p/b groSolar               1 12   30 Peter         Bradshaw  Embrocation Cycling Journal        1 13   19 Josh          Dillon / Cannondale           1 14   20 Justin        Spinelli  CCB/WHEELWORKS                     1Women Pro/1/2/3Stage 2 - The Bridges Circuit RaceQOM #1 - Route 100 - Duxbury - Lap 2PlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  167 Moriah        Macgregor Team Nanoblur Gears                5  2  165 Mary          Zider     Team Nanoblur Gears                3  3  169 Megan         Guarnier  Team Tibco/To the Top              1QOM #2 - Route 100 - Duxbury - Lap 3PlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  165 Mary          Zider     Team Nanoblur Gears                5  2  162 Fabienne      Gerard    CRCA/Fuoriclasse Racing-Discover   3  3  134 Janel         Holcomb   Team Danbury Audi/Cyfac            1Stage 3 - Champion Systems Mad River Road RaceQOM #1 - Route 125 - Middlebury GapPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  165 Mary          Zider     Team Nanoblur Gears                10  2  140 Marti         Shea      Destination Cycling                7  3  170 Kristin       McGrath   Peanut Butter & Co/Twenty12        5  4  134 Janel         Holcomb   Team Danbury Audi/Cyfac            3  5  162 Fabienne      Gerard    CRCA/Fuoriclasse Racing-Discover   1QOM #2 - Notch Rd - BristolPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  165 Mary          Zider     Team Nanoblur Gears                5  2  142 Paolina       Allan     P-K Express/HNZ Strategy           3  3  170 Kristin       McGrath   Peanut Butter & Co/Twenty12        1QOM #3 - Finish - Appalachian GapPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  139 Olivia        Dillon    Peanut Butter & Co. Twenty12       10  2  170 Kristin       McGrath   Peanut Butter & Co/Twenty12        7  3  133 Amanda        Watson    Fruit 66/Artemis                   5  4  168 Anna          McLoon    Team Kenda                         3  5  137 Patty         Buerkle   Fruit66 - Artemis                  1Overall ResultsPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  165 Mary          Zider     Team Nanoblur Gears                23  2  170 Kristin       McGrath   Peanut Butter & Co/Twenty12        13  3  139 Olivia        Dillon    Peanut Butter & Co. Twenty12       10  4  140 Marti         Shea      Destination Cycling                7  5  167 Moriah        Macgregor Team Nanoblur Gears                5  6  133 Amanda        Watson    Fruit 66/Artemis                   5  7  162 Fabienne      Gerard    CRCA/Fuoriclasse Racing-Discover   4  8  168 Anna          McLoon    Team Kenda                         3  9  169 Megan         Guarnier  Team Tibco/To the Top              1 10  137 Patty         Buerkle   Fruit66 - Artemis                  1 11  #N/A     #N/A        #N/A                 #N/A                #N/AMen 2Stage 2 - The Bridges Circuit RaceKOM #1 - Route 100 - Duxbury - Lap 2PlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  272 S. Charles    Zamastil  QCW Cycling/     5  2  257 Anthony       Hall      CRCA/ Jonathan Adler Racing        3  3  219 David         Fierro    NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental  1KOM #1 - Route 100 - Duxbury - Lap 3PlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  209 Jackson       Weber     Embrocation Cycling Journal        5  2  262 James         Schurman  Bike America                       3  3  277 Colby         Ricker    BRC p/b Broadnet                   1KOM #3 - Route 100 - Duxbury - Lap 4PlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  219 David         Fierro    NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental  5  2  209 Jackson       Weber     Embrocation Cycling Journal        3  3  281 Derek         Hardinge  Lapdogs Cycling Club               1Stage 3 - Champion Systems Mad River Road RaceKOM #1 - Route 125 - Middlebury GapPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  257 Anthony       Hall      CRCA/ Jonathan Adler Racing        10  2  262 James         Schurman  Bike America                       7  3  223 Kyle          Peppo     GS Mengoni USA                     5  4  217 Lance         Johnson   Handlebars Cycle Company           3  5  272 S. Charles    Zamastil  QCW Cycling/     1KOM #2 - Notch Rd - BristolPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  262 James         Schurman  Bike America                       5  2  215 Maxwell       Anderson                                     3  3  217 Lance         Johnson   Handlebars Cycle Company           1KOM #3 - Finish - Appalachian GapPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  267 Andrew        McCulloughOnion River Racing                 10  2  272 S. Charles    Zamastil  QCW Cycling/     7  3  281 Derek         Hardinge  Lapdogs Cycling Club               5  4  247 Brian         Breach    GS Mengoni                         3  5  250 Dan           Chabanov  CRCA/Jonathan Adler Racing         1Overall ResultsPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  262 James         Schurman  Bike America                       15  2  272 S. Charles    Zamastil  QCW Cycling/     13  3  267 Andrew        McCulloughOnion River Racing                 10  4  219 David         Fierro    NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental  6  5  281 Derek         Hardinge  Lapdogs Cycling Club               6  6  223 Kyle          Peppo     GS Mengoni USA                     5  7  217 Lance         Johnson   Handlebars Cycle Company           4  8  247 Brian         Breach    GS Mengoni                         3  9  215 Maxwell       Anderson                                     3 10  250 Dan           Chabanov  CRCA/Jonathan Adler Racing         1 11  277 Colby         Ricker    BRC p/b Broadnet                   1 12  #N/A     #N/A        #N/A                 #N/A                #N/A 13  #N/A     #N/A        #N/A                 #N/A                #N/AMen 3Stage 2 - The Bridges Circuit RaceKOM #1 - Route 100 - Duxbury - Lap 2PlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  326 Abraham       Soler     CRCA/Foundation                    5  2  361 Nigel         Kinney    Gear West Bike and Triathlon       3  3  319 James Lucas   Bent      Peterborough Cycling Club          1KOM #2 - Route 100 - Duxbury - Lap 3PlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  361 Nigel         Kinney    Gear West Bike and Triathlon       5  2  326 Abraham       Soler     CRCA/Foundation                    3  3  362 Jeffrey       Weber     Sound Solutions                    1KOM #3 - Route 100 - Duxbury - Lap 4PlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  353 Daniel        Barney    Mac 5 Bikes / GVCC                 5  2  338 Matthew       Doran     BRAUER / MICK MANAGEMENT           3  3  361 Nigel         Kinney    Gear West Bike and Triathlon       1Stage 3 - Champion Systems Mad River Road RaceKOM #1 - Route 125 - Middlebury GapPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  326 Abraham       Soler     CRCA/Foundation                    10  2  332 Ryan          Short     Team Placid Planet                 7  3  302 John          Cutler    CycleLife / Raw Talent Ranch Raci  5  4  344 Matthew       Nichols p/b The Bike H  3  5  366 Chris         Wood      Sound Solutions                    1KOM #2 - Notch Rd - BristolPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  326 Abraham       Soler     CRCA/Foundation                    5  2  322 Greg          Herrman   BCA / Tosk Chiropractic            3  3  302 John          Cutler    CycleLife / Raw Talent Ranch Raci  1KOM #3 - Finish - Appalachian GapPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  332 Ryan          Short     Team Placid Planet                 10  2  302 John          Cutler    CycleLife / Raw Talent Ranch Raci  7  3  351 Nathan        Davis     Valley Ski and Bike Werx           5  4  359 Joaquin       C De Baca KISSENA                            3  5  373 Stephen       Pierce    Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Fra  1Overall ResultsPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  326 Abraham       Soler     CRCA/Foundation                    23  2  332 Ryan          Short     Team Placid Planet                 17  3  302 John          Cutler    CycleLife / Raw Talent Ranch Raci  13  4  361 Nigel         Kinney    Gear West Bike and Triathlon       9  5  353 Daniel        Barney    Mac 5 Bikes / GVCC                 5  6  351 Nathan        Davis     Valley Ski and Bike Werx           5  7  359 Joaquin       C De Baca KISSENA                            3  8  338 Matthew       Doran     BRAUER / MICK MANAGEMENT           3  9  322 Greg          Herrman   BCA / Tosk Chiropractic            3 10  373 Stephen       Pierce    Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Fra  1 11  319 James Lucas   Bent      Peterborough Cycling Club          1 12  362 Jeffrey       Weber     Sound Solutions                    1 13  366 Chris         Wood      Sound Solutions                    1 14  #N/A     #N/A        #N/A                 #N/A                #N/AWomen 3/4Stage 2 - The Bridges Circuit RaceQOM #1 - Route 100 - Duxbury - Lap 2PlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  678 Julie         Marceau   specialized-mazda-samson           5  2  657 Monika        Sattler   NCVC/UnitedHealth Group            3  3  667 Kacy          Wander    QCW Cycling/     1Stage 3 - Champion Systems Mad River Road RaceQOM #1 - Route 125 - Middlebury GapPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  678 Julie         Marceau   specialized-mazda-samson           10  2  667 Kacy          Wander    QCW Cycling/     7  3  690 Karla         Labbe     Stage5 Cycling                     5  4  662 Jessie        Donavan   Onion River Sports                 3  5  682 Amy           Miner     Onion River Racing                 1QOM #2 - Notch Rd - BristolPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  678 Julie         Marceau   specialized-mazda-samson           5  2  667 Kacy          Wander    QCW Cycling/     3  3  662 Jessie        Donavan   Onion River Sports                 1QOM #3 - Finish - Appalachian GapPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  667 Kacy          Wander    QCW Cycling/     10  2  662 Jessie        Donavan   Onion River Sports                 7  3  678 Julie         Marceau   specialized-mazda-samson           5  4  690 Karla         Labbe     Stage5 Cycling                     3  5  680 Carol         Deavy     Rouleurs De L'Outaouais            1Overall ResultsPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  678 Julie         Marceau   specialized-mazda-samson           25  2  667 Kacy          Wander    QCW Cycling/     21  3  662 Jessie        Donavan   Onion River Sports                 11  4  690 Karla         Labbe     Stage5 Cycling                     8  5  657 Monika        Sattler   NCVC/UnitedHealth Group            3  6  682 Amy           Miner     Onion River Racing                 1  7  680 Carol         Deavy     Rouleurs De L'Outaouais            1Men 4Stage 2 - The Bridges Circuit RaceKOM #1 - Route 100 - Duxbury - Lap 2PlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  717 Colby         Delbene   Pawling Cycle & Sport              5  2  768 Richard       Batten    Stage 5 Cycling                    3  3  704 James         Barrett   Spokane Rocket Velo                1KOM #2 - Route 100 - Duxbury - Lap 3PlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  717 Colby         Delbene   Pawling Cycle & Sport              5  2  746 Eric          Follen    Maine Coast Cycling Club           3  3  749 Ira           Blumberg  CRCA/Setanta                       1Stage 3 - Champion Systems Mad River Road RaceKOM #1 - Route 125 - Middlebury GapPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  717 Colby         Delbene   Pawling Cycle & Sport              10  2  764 John          Anthony   CRCA / NYSketches                  7  3  779 Aaron         Essner                                       5  4  760 Philip        Shaw      NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devenshire Dental  3  5  762 Christopher   Grady     Arc En Ciel Racing Team            1KOM #2 - Notch Rd - BristolPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  760 Philip        Shaw      NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devenshire Dental  5  2  728 Sheldon       Miller                        3  3  756 Bryan         Dougherty Kissena                            1KOM #3 - Finish - Appalachian GapPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  761 Michael       Mardosz   Team Helen's/8WC                   10  2  707 Jason         HettenbaugMonroe Extinguisher/SBR Cycling T  7  3  776 Jake          McLaughlinSweet Open Roads                   5  4  756 Bryan         Dougherty Kissena                            3  5  759 Benjamin      Cornish   CRCA/NYVelocity                    1Overall ResultsPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  717 Colby         Delbene   Pawling Cycle & Sport              20  2  761 Michael       Mardosz   Team Helen's/8WC                   10  3  760 Philip        Shaw      NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devenshire Dental  8  4  707 Jason         HettenbaugMonroe Extinguisher/SBR Cycling T  7  5  764 John          Anthony   CRCA / NYSketches                  7  6  776 Jake          McLaughlinSweet Open Roads                   5  7  779 Aaron         Essner                                       5  8  756 Bryan         Dougherty Kissena                            4  9  746 Eric          Follen    Maine Coast Cycling Club           3 10  728 Sheldon       Miller                        3 11  768 Richard       Batten    Stage 5 Cycling                    3 12  759 Benjamin      Cornish   CRCA/NYVelocity                    1 13  749 Ira           Blumberg  CRCA/Setanta                       1 14  762 Christopher   Grady     Arc En Ciel Racing Team            1Men 4/5Stage 2 - The Bridges Circuit RaceKOM #1 - Route 100 - Duxbury - Lap 2PlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  837 Michael       Allen     team allen                         5  2  828 Karl          Zahn      University of Vermont              3  3  865 Lucas         Moore                                        1KOM #2 - Route 100 - Duxbury - Lap 3PlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  863 Andrew        Collyer   Wheelworks Multisport              5  2  837 Michael       Allen     team allen                         3  3  862 Dylan         Pudiak    Solo Break Racing                  1Stage 3 - Champion Systems Mad River Road RaceKOM #1 - Route 125 - Middlebury GapPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  868 Alex          Binkley                                      10  2  842 Nicholas      Waller    Adirondack Velo Club               7  3  862 Dylan         Pudiak    Solo Break Racing                  5  4  837 Michael       Allen     team allen                         3  5  865 Lucas         Moore                                        1KOM #2 - Notch Rd - BristolPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  868 Alex          Binkley                                      5  2  837 Michael       Allen     team allen                         3  3  842 Nicholas      Waller    Adirondack Velo Club               1KOM #3 - Finish - Appalachian GapPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  865 Lucas         Moore                                        10  2  842 Nicholas      Waller    Adirondack Velo Club               7  3  862 Dylan         Pudiak    Solo Break Racing                  5  4  875 Lou           Bregou    White Mountain Velo                3  5  822 Doug          Gardner   GMBC/Synergy Fitness               1Overall ResultsPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  868 Alex          Binkley                                      15  2  842 Nicholas      Waller    Adirondack Velo Club               15  3  837 Michael       Allen     team allen                         14  4  865 Lucas         Moore                                        12  5  862 Dylan         Pudiak    Solo Break Racing                  11  6  863 Andrew        Collyer   Wheelworks Multisport              5  7  875 Lou           Bregou    White Mountain Velo                3  8  828 Karl          Zahn      University of Vermont              3  9  822 Doug          Gardner   GMBC/Synergy Fitness               1JuniorsStage 2 - The Bridges Circuit RaceKOM #1 - Route 100 - Duxbury - Lap 2PlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  620 Lawson        Craddock  Hot Tubes Junior Development       5  2  634 Alexey        Vermeulen Priority Health U25                3  3  611 Anders        Newbury   Hot Tubes Junior Development       1Stage 3 - Champion Systems Mad River Road RaceKOM #1 - Route 125 - Middlebury GapPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  610 Robin         Eckmann   Hot Tubes Junior Development       10  2  611 Anders        Newbury   Hot Tubes Junior Development       7  3  620 Lawson        Craddock  Hot Tubes Junior Development       5  4  623 Zack          Noonan    Young Medalists / Team Dual Temp   3  5  634 Alexey        Vermeulen Priority Health U25                1KOM #2 - Notch Rd - BristolPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  623 Zack          Noonan    Young Medalists / Team Dual Temp   5  2  611 Anders        Newbury   Hot Tubes Junior Development       3  3  620 Lawson        Craddock  Hot Tubes Junior Development       1KOM #3 - Finish - Appalachian GapPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  611 Anders        Newbury   Hot Tubes Junior Development       10  2  623 Zack          Noonan    Young Medalists / Team Dual Temp   7  3  620 Lawson        Craddock  Hot Tubes Junior Development       5  4  610 Robin         Eckmann   Hot Tubes Junior Development       3  5  600 Michael       ReidenbachHYDROMAX                           1Overall ResultsPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  611 Anders        Newbury   Hot Tubes Junior Development       21  2  620 Lawson        Craddock  Hot Tubes Junior Development       16  3  623 Zack          Noonan    Young Medalists / Team Dual Temp   15  4  610 Robin         Eckmann   Hot Tubes Junior Development       13  5  634 Alexey        Vermeulen Priority Health U25                4  6  600 Michael       ReidenbachHYDROMAX                           1Men 40+Stage 2 - The Bridges Circuit RaceKOM #1 - Route 100 - Duxbury - Lap 2PlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  402 Ramon F.      Benitez   Battley Harley-Davidson / Sonoma   5  2  444 David         Taylor    CRCA/Fuoriclasse Racing-Discover   3  3  458 William       Wisse     Undici Racing / Guardian Coaching  1KOM #1 - Route 100 - Duxbury - Lap 3PlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  444 David         Taylor    CRCA/Fuoriclasse Racing-Discover   5  2  402 Ramon F.      Benitez   Battley Harley-Davidson / Sonoma   3  3  441 David         Gazsi     CycleLogikRacing                   1Stage 3 - Champion Systems Mad River Road RaceKOM #1 - Route 125 - Middlebury GapPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  432 Carl          Reglar    Team Danbury Audi/Pedal and Pump   10  2  461 Cary          Moretti   Endurosport PFR by Power Watts     7  3  449 Bill          Shattuck  Corner Cycle                       5  4  450 Ralf          Geiben LynTeam RaceMenu/mix1                 3  5  444 David         Taylor    CRCA/Fuoriclasse Racing-Discover   1KOM #2 - Notch Rd - BristolPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  432 Carl          Reglar    Team Danbury Audi/Pedal and Pump   5  2  461 Cary          Moretti   Endurosport PFR by Power Watts     3  3  449 Bill          Shattuck  Corner Cycle                       1KOM #3 - Finish - Appalachian GapPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  444 David         Taylor    CRCA/Fuoriclasse Racing-Discover   10  2  441 David         Gazsi     CycleLogikRacing                   7  3  436 John          Funk      CYCLE FITNESS                      5  4  466 Robert        Lattanzi  Westwood Cycle                     3  5  432 Carl          Reglar    Team Danbury Audi/Pedal and Pump   1Overall ResultsPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  444 David         Taylor    CRCA/Fuoriclasse Racing-Discover   19  2  432 Carl          Reglar    Team Danbury Audi/Pedal and Pump   16  3  461 Cary          Moretti   Endurosport PFR by Power Watts     10  4  402 Ramon F.      Benitez   Battley Harley-Davidson / Sonoma   8  5  441 David         Gazsi     CycleLogikRacing                   8  6  449 Bill          Shattuck  Corner Cycle                       6  7  466 Robert        Lattanzi  Westwood Cycle                     3  8  450 Ralf          Geiben LynTeam RaceMenu/mix1                 3  9  #N/A     #N/A        #N/A                 #N/A                #N/A 10  #N/A     #N/A        #N/A                 #N/A                #N/AMen 50+Stage 2 - The Bridges Circuit RaceKOM #1 - Route 100 - Duxbury - Lap 2PlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  529 Rick          Sorenson  Onion River Sports                 5  2  533 Dave          Viney     La Bicicletta Elite Team           3  3  559 David         Kellogg   Arc En Ciel                        1KOM #1 - Route 100 - Duxbury - Lap 3PlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  529 Rick          Sorenson  Onion River Sports                 5  2  559 David         Kellogg   Arc En Ciel                        3  3  533 Dave          Viney     La Bicicletta Elite Team           1Stage 3 - Champion Systems Mad River Road RaceKOM #1 - Route 125 - Middlebury GapPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  529 Rick          Sorenson  Onion River Sports                 10  2  559 David         Kellogg   Arc En Ciel                        7  3  526 Haluk         Sarci     Deno's Wonder Wheel                5  4  500 Dzmitry       Buben     CCB Wheelworks Team                3  5  541 Mark          Luzio     CYCLE FITNESS                      1KOM #2 - Notch Rd - BristolPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  529 Rick          Sorenson  Onion River Sports                 5  2  559 David         Kellogg   Arc En Ciel                        3  3  526 Haluk         Sarci     Deno's Wonder Wheel                1KOM #3 - Finish - Appalachian GapPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  500 Dzmitry       Buben     CCB Wheelworks Team                10  2  559 David         Kellogg   Arc En Ciel                        7  3  526 Haluk         Sarci     Deno's Wonder Wheel                5  4  529 Rick          Sorenson  Onion River Sports                 3  5  508 Keith         Davies    MAMBO KINGS RACING/D&Q             1Overall ResultsPlaceBib First Name    Last Name Team                             Points  1  529 Rick          Sorenson  Onion River Sports                 28  2  559 David         Kellogg   Arc En Ciel                        21  3  500 Dzmitry       Buben     CCB Wheelworks Team                13  4  526 Haluk         Sarci     Deno's Wonder Wheel                11  5  508 Keith         Davies    MAMBO KINGS RACING/D&Q             1  6  541 Mark          Luzio     CYCLE FITNESS                      1