ECCC Week 6, Easterns RR - Warwick, MA
ECCC Week 6
Easterns Championships
Road Race
Warwick, MA
April 23, 2016
Courtesy of Velocity
Men A 35 starters 69.0 miles
Place Bib Time First Last Team Points
1 1 3:30:59 Glenn Ferreira University of Delaware 160
2 31 3:38:13 Robbie King Columbia University-NYC 140
3 9 3:38:14 Michael Grome Yale University 126
4 13 3:39:39 Christopher Welch Killington Mountain School 114
5 53 3:39:48 Kai Wiggins Middlebury College 102
6 68 3:41:57 Dean Zeffer Lehigh University 90
7 17 3:44:59 Noah Barrow Killington Mountain School 80
8 46 3:45:28 Emerson Glassey Massachusetts Institute of Technology 70
9 77 3:45:28 David Berg Dartmouth College 60
10 49 3:45:28 Sammy Moseley Cornell University 52
11 50 P&P Ian Gielar Rochester Institute of Technology 44
12 41 P&P Kenneth Englert US Military Academy 36
13 27 P&P Matthew Fischel University of Delaware 30
14 35 P&P Tony Pletcher Columbia University-NYC 24
15 59 P&P Jake Barker Middlebury College 18
16 24 P&P John Smith Boston University 14
17 20 P&P Connor Reardon Rochester Institute of Technology 10
18 26 P&P Julian Georg Syracuse University 6
19 52 P&P Hassan Beydoun Carnegie Mellon University 4
20 29 P&P Greg Hruby Columbia University-NYC 2
21 38 P&P Simon Vidal New York University
22 67 P&P Colin Meyer Harvard University
23 37 P&P Adam Ruff US Military Academy
24 12 P&P Alec Cunningham University of New Hampshire
25 47 P&P Ethan Call Dartmouth College
26 62 P&P Justin Bandoro Massachusetts Institute of Technology
27 33 P&P Noah Epstein Tufts University
28 66 P&P Vince Dunne Drexel University
29 57 P&P Patrick Murphy University of Vermont
DNF 7 Leon Lyakovetsky New York University
DNF 10 Sam Damphousse University of Vermont
DNF 11 Steven Ramirez Harvard University
DNF 36 Drew Kogon New York University
DNF 58 Alex Breakstone Bucknell University
DNF 63 Samuel Nussenzweig Columbia University-NYC
Women A 16 starters 46.0 miles
Place Bib Time First Last Team Points
1 110 2:43:08 Monica Volk Pennsylvania State University 160
2 124 2:49:18 Heidi Miller Princeton University 140
3 106 2:49:20 Antonina Hafner Harvard University 126
4 126 2:59:27 Danielle Morshead Brown University 114
5 112 2:59:29 Leslie Lupien Dartmouth College 102
6 100 2:59:30 Jennifer Wilson Massachusetts Institute of Technology 90
7 101 2:59:30 Corey Tucker Massachusetts Institute of Technology 80
8 119 2:59:31 Evelyn Korbich Bucknell University 70
9 122 2:59:37 Josephine VanLoozen Drexel University 60
10 121 3:03:43 Anne Raymond Massachusetts Institute of Technology 52
11 104 3:04:41 Julie vanderHoop Massachusetts Institute of Technology 44
12 111 3:07:06 Jess Bunchek Pennsylvania State University 36
13 113 3:12:44 Anna Janas Columbia University-NYC 30
14 125 3:18:46 Turner Ramsay KMS Cycling-Killington Mountain School 24
15 107 3:25:43 Elizabeth White University of Vermont 18
DNF 123 Melissa Seib University of Vermont
Women B 15 starters 46.0 miles
Place Bib Time First Last Team Points
1 172 2:59:31 Megan Galinat Northeastern University 96
2 167 2:59:31 Sarah Nadeau Cornell University 82
3 166 3:02:20 Monte Ho US Military Academy 70
4 158 3:03:20 Jinny Yan US Military Academy 60
5 150 3:03:38 Allison Mrugal Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 52
6 171 3:03:43 Kathryn Olesnavage Massachusetts Institute of Technology 44
7 170 3:09:17 Kasinee Gehring University of Vermont 36
8 175 3:10:11 Paige Kostanecki New York University 30
9 176 3:12:06 Amanda Tomasello Syracuse University 24
10 165 3:18:46 Valerie Cyr University of Vermont 18
11 169 3:19:04 Lucy Archer Massachusetts Institute of Technology 14
12 164 P&P Josie LaCoe Carnegie Mellon University 10
DNF 161 Madeleine Pascolini Campbell Columbia University-NYC
DNF 163 Simone Bailey University of Vermont
DNF 174 Madeline Smith KMS Cycling-Killington Mountain School
Women A/B Combined 31 starters
Place Bib Time First Last Team Cat
1 110 2:43:08 Monica Volk Pennsylvania State University A
2 124 2:49:18 Heidi Miller Princeton University A
3 106 2:49:20 Antonina Hafner Harvard University A
4 126 2:59:27 Danielle Morshead Brown University A
5 112 2:59:29 Leslie Lupien Dartmouth College A
6 100 2:59:30 Jennifer Wilson Massachusetts Institute of Technology A
7 101 2:59:30 Corey Tucker Massachusetts Institute of Technology A
8 172 2:59:31 Megan Galinat Northeastern University B
9 167 2:59:31 Sarah Nadeau Cornell University B
10 119 2:59:31 Evelyn Korbich Bucknell University A
11 122 2:59:37 Josephine VanLoozen Drexel University A
12 166 3:02:20 Monte Ho US Military Academy B
13 158 3:03:20 Jinny Yan US Military Academy B
14 150 3:03:38 Allison Mrugal Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute B
15 121 3:03:43 Anne Raymond Massachusetts Institute of Technology A
16 171 3:03:43 Kathryn Olesnavage Massachusetts Institute of Technology B
17 104 3:04:41 Julie vanderHoop Massachusetts Institute of Technology A
18 111 3:07:06 Jess Bunchek Pennsylvania State University A
19 170 3:09:17 Kasinee Gehring University of Vermont B
20 175 3:10:11 Paige Kostanecki New York University B
21 176 3:12:06 Amanda Tomasello Syracuse University B
22 113 3:12:44 Anna Janas Columbia University-NYC A
23 125 3:18:46 Turner Ramsay KMS Cycling-Killington Mountain School A
24 165 3:18:46 Valerie Cyr University of Vermont B
25 169 3:19:04 Lucy Archer Massachusetts Institute of Technology B
26 107 3:25:43 Elizabeth White University of Vermont A
27 164 P&P Josie LaCoe Carnegie Mellon University B
DNF 123 DNF Melissa Seib University of Vermont A
DNF 161 DNF Madeleine Pascolini Campbell Columbia University-NYC B
DNF 163 DNF Simone Bailey University of Vermont B
DNF 174 DNF Madeline Smith KMS Cycling-Killington Mountain School B
Men B 39 starters 46.0 miles
Place Bib Time First Last Team Points
1 243 2:22:59 Michael Landry Yale University 96
2 273 2:24:22 Philip Kreycik Massachusetts Institute of Technology 82
3 271 2:27:13 Andrew Scott Princeton University 70
4 281 2:28:48 Simon Voorhees Lehigh University 60
5 235 2:28:50 Matthew Caissy University of Massachusetts Amherst 52
6 264 2:29:03 Will Greene Middlebury College 44
7 256 2:29:04 David Stauffer Cornell University 36
8 230 2:29:10 Tristan Manderfeld US Military Academy 30
9 218 2:29:10 Josh Chu Killington Mountain School 24
10 216 2:29:21 Benjamin Jankowski University of Massachusetts Amherst 18
11 201 2:29:27 Tom OGrady Massachusetts Institute of Technology 14
12 236 2:29:33 Robert Allaway Dartmouth College 10
13 265 2:33:57 Charles Krouse Rochester Institute of Technology 6
14 275 2:34:12 Justin Clark University of New Hampshire 4
15 253 2:36:21 Dylan Allen US Military Academy 2
16 268 2:40:38 Eian Prohl Brown University
17 284 2:42:59 Andrew Idell University of Delaware
18 272 2:53:06 Brian Hicks Rhode Island School of Design
19 232 P&P Daniel Forquer US Military Academy
20 251 P&P Brandon King Tufts University
21 270 P&P Carlo Quicho Boston University
22 285 P&P Nick Sabatelli Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
23 277 P&P Matt Ampleman Yale University
24 263 P&P Matthew Buell Lehigh University
25 234 P&P Sam Veggeberg University of Massachusetts Amherst
26 283 P&P Jonathan Davies Brown University
27 278 P&P Galen Xing Columbia University-NYC
28 215 P&P Kyle Helson Brown University
29 279 P&P William Tymms Columbia University-NYC
30 255 P&P Gregory DiGuido Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
31 233 P&P Sean Gribbin University of New Hampshire
32 269 P&P Robert Cummings Colby College
33 282 P&P Kenneth Dailey US Military Academy
DNF 202 Samuel Hedlund University of Vermont
DNF 206 Paul Lamarche University of Vermont
DNF 210 Charles Mandel University of Vermont
DNF 250 Edgar Costa Dartmouth College
DNF 274 Breton Minnehan Rochester Institute of Technology
DNF 280 Henry Swanson Rhode Island School of Design
Men C 59 starters 34.0 miles
Place Bib Time First Last Team Points
1 491 1:51:16 Torin La Liberte Saint Michaels College 64
2 567 1:51:16 brian payne Rhode Island School of Design 48
3 625 1:51:16 Mitchell Kilborn Princeton University 36
4 568 1:51:18 Hugh Kenny Bates College 30
5 532 1:52:07 Anthony Cao New York University 24
6 451 1:52:16 Zachary Levy Johnson State College 18
7 619 1:52:17 Luke Shaw Princeton University 14
8 450 1:53:06 Ross Peterson Harvard University 10
9 646 1:53:59 Eli Bravo Bucknell University 8
10 489 1:53:59 Parker Wild Princeton University 6
11 485 1:53:59 Leland Grigoli Brown University 4
12 509 1:54:02 Samuel Furness Cornell University 2
13 468 1:55:21 Timothy Hele Cornell University
14 472 1:57:33 Wei-Ting Chen Dartmouth College
15 570 1:57:36 Alexander Arau Bates College
16 499 1:57:37 Chris Dsida Bates College
17 506 1:57:38 Cooper Bates Columbia University-NYC
18 557 1:57:56 Ruben Watkins US Military Academy
19 505 1:58:36 John Russell Tufts University
20 559 1:58:41 James Fox New York University
21 575 1:59:16 Andrew Suzuki University of Connecticut
22 603 2:00:11 Kyle Sammon Lehigh University
23 551 2:00:34 Alberto Castro US Military Academy
24 531 2:00:48 Jackson Vogel New York University
25 629 2:01:40 Brian Drollette Yale University
26 632 2:03:02 Shawn Quinn Boston College
27 601 2:03:27 Preston Pritchard US Military Academy
28 494 2:04:53 Benito Cecenas University of Vermont
29 486 2:04:54 Derek Wladyka Drexel University
30 530 2:05:20 Chad Wisnowski US Military Academy
31 534 2:05:20 Ammon Okazaki US Military Academy
32 538 2:05:20 Daniel Grier Massachusetts Institute of Technology
33 452 2:05:22 Andrew Wong Harvard University
34 621 2:05:45 David Chen New York University
35 607 2:06:02 August Granath Northeastern University
36 507 2:06:15 Nicholas Brocato Worcester Polytechnic Institute
37 644 2:06:20 Steven Robare Bucknell University
38 514 2:06:23 Fisher Curran Boston University
39 554 2:07:34 Jack Graham US Military Academy
40 560 2:08:06 Benjamin Conley Dartmouth College
41 633 2:08:26 Benjamin Egan Boston College
42 556 2:08:37 Eric Nieminen Hamilton College
43 526 2:09:32 Conrad Dorn Dorn Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
44 473 2:10:42 Will Botta Yale University
45 645 2:11:36 Edward Prescott Bucknell University
46 550 2:12:10 Kenneth Weitzman Tufts University
47 634 2:12:27 Matthew Li Massachusetts Institute of Technology
48 517 2:15:04 Brandon Russell Harvard University
49 513 2:19:39 Anthony DePinto Boston University
50 470 2:21:49 Jesse Gubb Harvard University
51 596 2:26:28 Joseph Slamm Northeastern University
52 508 2:27:19 Daniel Serrano US Military Academy
DNF 467 Mickey Cheah Arizona State University
DNF 469 Anthony Messina Northeastern University
DNF 471 Dylan Whitcraft Bates College
DNF 500 Rory Glover Harvard University
DNF 578 Gilles Merckx Lehigh University
DNF 584 Charles Sinkler Worcester Polytechnic Institute
DNF 649 Peter Daniels Boston University
Women C 20 starters 34.0 miles
Place Bib Time First Last Team Points
1 384 2:21:30 Jackie Scott Bucknell University 64
2 392 2:21:30 Katherine Bach Dartmouth College 48
3 403 2:21:31 Joanna Wang Tufts University 36
4 378 2:21:31 Camille Joubert New York University 30
5 389 2:21:31 Alexandra Lynn Dartmouth College 24
6 377 2:21:39 Katherine Rusch Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 18
7 406 2:22:15 Kathryn Aman Middlebury College 14
8 388 2:22:32 Sophie Connor Dartmouth College 10
9 401 2:22:38 Isabel Sharp Cornell University 8
10 367 2:23:01 Alena Lovi Borgmann Columbia University-NYC 6
11 395 2:23:03 Margaret Conley Bowdoin College 4
12 370 2:24:59 Danielle Smith Dartmouth College 2
13 387 2:28:13 Norah Stapleton US Military Academy
14 405 P&P Georgia Lagoudas Massachusetts Institute of Technology
15 373 P&P Tess Timmes Boston University
16 364 P&P Rachel Pedersen Brown University
17 362 P&P Elizabeth Psiaki US Military Academy
18 354 P&P Merrill Oakley Yale University
DNF 360 Natasha Dobrott Boston College
DNF 372 Stephanie Lie Boston University
Men D 57 starters 23.0 miles
Place Bib Time First Last Team Points
1 802 1:18:16 Owen Kay Williams College 42
2 819 1:18:56 Gavin McEwen Dartmouth College 32
3 772 1:20:04 Paul Cohen Massachusetts Institute of Technology 22
4 693 1:20:42 Timothy Putnam University of New Hampshire 16
5 752 1:20:43 Charles Barton Massachusetts Institute of Technology 10
6 692 1:20:44 Daniel Cole New York University 8
7 781 1:20:44 Laurent Potvin Trottier Harvard University 6
8 678 1:21:18 Austin Meyer Ferris Boston College 4
9 745 1:21:18 Andrew Young US Military Academy 2
10 719 1:21:26 Graeme Bignell University of New Hampshire
11 739 1:21:32 Johno Barns University of Vermont
12 769 1:21:48 Messen Timothy Dartmouth College
13 804 1:22:28 Noel Hwang Tufts University
14 1254 1:23:34 Adam Rosenfield Massachusetts Institute of Technology
15 665 1:23:42 Tobias Ehrenberger Massachusetts Institute of Technology
16 786 1:23:59 Charles Wu Massachusetts Institute of Technology
17 770 1:24:25 Oleksandr Kuzura Dartmouth College
18 723 1:24:30 Jeff Hennessy University of Delaware
19 748 1:24:36 Matthew Graca University of New Hampshire
20 833 1:25:04 Peter Skaggs Hamilton College
21 743 1:25:45 Alvin Leong New York University
22 742 1:26:13 Ian McCartney Lehigh University
23 818 1:26:14 Patrick White Massachusetts Institute of Technology
24 768 1:26:21 Ankit Bhutani Cornell University
25 807 1:26:50 Matt Lyons University of Massachusetts Amherst
26 791 1:27:26 Harry August Lehigh University
27 747 1:27:58 Trevyn Langsford Northeastern University
28 808 1:28:12 Daniel Lang Tufts University
29 679 1:28:39 Mitchell Donat Boston College
30 667 1:30:06 Daniel Russell University of Vermont
31 817 1:31:01 John Lewis Dartmouth College
32 670 1:31:37 Przemyslaw Krol Massachusetts Institute of Technology
33 687 1:31:49 Richard Taylor Temple University
34 671 1:32:16 Alex Dietrich US Military Academy
35 741 1:34:18 Aram Modrek New York University
36 651 1:34:24 Ryan Singh Boston University
37 778 1:35:06 Kyle McElroy Harvard University
38 727 1:36:27 Hong Kyu Park Rhode Island School of Design
39 708 1:36:27 Satya Varghese Rhode Island School of Design
40 820 1:36:45 Carlos Syquia Boston University
41 783 1:36:48 Mustafa Ordu Boston University
42 721 1:37:48 Maximilian Hochschwender University of New Hampshire
43 821 1:39:59 Victor Lei Harvard University
44 728 1:40:05 Wynn Geary Rhode Island School of Design
45 759 1:40:11 Charles You Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
46 822 1:41:23 Yong Wang Rhode Island School of Design
47 767 1:42:34 Cody Gielar Rochester Institute of Technology
48 756 1:43:52 Jacob Bensco University of Massachusetts Amherst
49 766 1:48:57 Zhiyuan Wang Dartmouth College
50 607 1:50:01 August Granath Northeastern University
DNF 656 Jose Antonio Turalba Boston University
DNF 722 Thomas Lyver Providence College
DNF 733 Thomas Edgerton University of Vermont
DNF 740 Nicholas Fitzsimmons University of Vermont
DNF 765 Thomas Hsu Boston University
DNF 787 Chandler Sachs Cornell University
DNF 793 Nathan Arndt Hamilton College
Women D 21 starters 23.0 miles
Place Bib Time First Last Team Points
1 827 1:36:46 Aileen Bui Brown University 42
2 894 1:37:13 Gabriela Zimbron University of Vermont 32
3 856 1:37:14 Ellie Perry Bucknell University 22
4 839 1:37:29 Kanokwan Champasa Massachusetts Institute of Technology 16
5 859 1:37:29 Octavia Mulhern New York University 10
6 1272 1:40:48 Kristen Bayrakdarian Williams College 8
7 863 1:41:08 Mariah Palmer University of Vermont 6
8 1271 1:43:14 Paige Wilkinson Williams College 4
9 823 1:43:34 Lauren Breza University of New Hampshire 2
10 837 1:44:52 Erin Flaherty Boston College
11 890 1:44:53 Kang Hsin Lee Tufts University
12 840 1:48:08 Kaitlin Bender US Military Academy
13 888 1:49:53 Jenny Duong Tufts University
14 824 1:51:32 Nicole Walch University of Vermont
15 860 1:51:34 Grace Gomez US Military Academy
16 858 1:55:10 Gabrielle Alford US Military Academy
17 826 1:55:10 Laura Treers Massachusetts Institute of Technology
18 883 1:55:42 Lauren Montieth Brown University
19 871 2:01:09 Maya Cannon Rhode Island School of Design
20 825 2:04:26 Nikki Montanaro unattached
21 1274 2:04:26 Jennifer Tang Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Men E 15 starters 23.0 miles
Place Bib Time First Last Team Points
1 903 1:20:01 Marc Hafner Harvard University 24
2 964 1:20:01 Alexander Weinman Deerfield Academy 14
3 965 1:22:54 Chris Iamonaco unattached 10
4 1259 1:27:28 Max Gefaci Deerfield Academy 6
5 1257 1:28:56 Ely Novakoski Tufts 2
6 943 1:33:31 ANDRE BURTON Drexel University
7 1260 1:33:51 Josh Bolding Vermont Academy
8 940 1:39:39 Alexander Derenchuk Dartmouth College
9 902 1:41:57 fangzheng guo Tufts University
10 918 1:46:15 Eric Bowmaster Rochester Institute of Technology
11 1255 1:46:36 James Verhagen Dartmouth College
12 961 1:53:06 Quyseam Rivera unattached
13 966 1:57:24 Pranjal Singi University of Delaware
14 1258 1:58:40 Scott Olesen Massachusetts Institute of Technology
15 1256 2:05:32 Erick Garcia Tufts University