ECCC Week 6, Easterns RR - Scituate, RI

ECCC Week 6

Easterns Championships

Hosted by RISD and Brown University

Road Race

Scituate, RI

April 22, 2017

Courtesy of Velocity Results


Men A 30 starters 65.0 miles

Place Bib Time First Last Team Points

1 55 2:52:56 David Kessler Rhode Island School of Design 160

2 52 2:56:00 Christopher Welch KMS Cycling-Killington Mountain School 140

3 33 2:56:03 Derrick Butler University of Pennsylvania 126

4 1 2:56:11 Glenn Ferreira University of Delaware 114

5 5 2:56:11 Andrew Nicholas Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 102

6 23 2:56:12 Alec Cunningham University of New Hampshire 90

7 235 2:56:12 Geno Villafano University of Connecticut 80

8 8 2:56:12 Kenneth McNeill Northeastern University 70

9 44 2:56:13 Zachary Berkow Dartmouth College 60

10 19 2:56:16 Nicholas Lando University of Vermont 52

11 82 2:56:57 Tyler Clark KMS Cycling-Killington Mountain School 44

12 4 2:57:05 Michael Martin Harvard University 36

13 57 2:57:25 Michael Grome Yale University 30

14 11 2:57:44 Brian Alba Northeastern University 24

15 81 3:03:06 Kameron Clayton Harvard University 18

16 58 3:04:20 Adam Ruff US Military Academy 14

17 37 P&P Andrew Scott Princeton University 10

18 65 P&P Matt Ampleman Yale University 6

DNF 10 Alex Breakstone Bucknell University

DNF 20 Matthew Owens University of Vermont

DNF 21 Michael Owens University of Vermont

DNF 43 Ethan Call Dartmouth College

DNF 48 Tristan Manderfeld US Military Academy

DNF 50 Emerson Glassey Massachusetts Institute of Technology

DNF 51 Vivien Rindisbacher KMS Cycling-Killington Mountain School

DNF 59 Kenneth Englert US Military Academy

DNF 60 Sam Damphousse University of Vermont

DNF 64 Simon Voorhees Temple University

DNF 78 Zachary Isaacs Dartmouth College

DNF 79 Colin Meyer Green Line Velo

Women A/B Combined 25 starters

Place Bib Time First Last Team Cat

1 107 2:30:18 Danielle Morshead Brown University A

2 122 2:30:19 Elizabeth Huuki US Military Academy A

3 113 2:30:30 Allison Mrugal Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute A

4 117 2:32:13 Emma Edwards Massachusetts Institute of Technology A

5 167 2:34:27 Camille Joubert New York University B

6 115 2:38:04 Monte Ho US Military Academy A

7 101 2:40:04 Tori Wuthrich Massachusetts Institute of Technology A

8 169 2:40:05 Carrie Freshour Cornell University B

9 108 2:40:05 Dominique Danco McGill University A

10 166 2:40:06 Octavia Mulhern New York University B

11 176 2:40:07 Sophie Russenberger Bard College B

12 103 2:40:09 Megan Galinat Northeastern University A

13 158 2:40:10 Elizabeth Psiaki US Military Academy B

14 171 2:40:10 Emily Mailhot Lehigh University B

15 124 2:40:10 Lizzie Wright Rhode Island School of Design A

16 120 2:40:12 Evelyn Korbich Bucknell University A

17 102 2:40:54 Anne Raymond Massachusetts Institute of Technology A

18 106 2:47:45 Josephine VanLoozen Drexel University A

19 127 2:51:13 Maria Hyde University of Massachusetts Amherst A

20 175 3:00:00 Ellie Perry Bucknell University B

21 123 3:02:00 Jinny Yan Northeastern University A

22 173 P&P Tanya Boulanova Boston University B

DNF 114 DNF Marjolein Pawlus Northeastern University A

DNF 119 DNF Turner Ramsay KMS Cycling-Killington Mountain School A

DNF 152 DNF Kathryn Aman Middlebury College B


Women A 16 starters 49.0 miles

Place Bib Time First Last Team Points

1 107 2:30:18 Danielle Morshead Brown University 160

2 122 2:30:19 Elizabeth Huuki US Military Academy 140

3 113 2:30:30 Allison Mrugal Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 126

4 117 2:32:13 Emma Edwards Massachusetts Institute of Technology 114

5 115 2:38:04 Monte Ho US Military Academy 102

6 101 2:40:04 Tori Wuthrich Massachusetts Institute of Technology 90

7 108 2:40:05 Dominique Danco McGill University 80

8 103 2:40:09 Megan Galinat Northeastern University 70

9 124 2:40:10 Lizzie Wright Rhode Island School of Design 60

10 120 2:40:12 Evelyn Korbich Bucknell University 52

11 102 2:40:54 Anne Raymond Massachusetts Institute of Technology 44

12 106 2:47:45 Josephine VanLoozen Drexel University 36

13 127 2:51:13 Maria Hyde University of Massachusetts Amherst 30

14 123 3:02:00 Jinny Yan Northeastern University 24

DNF 114 Marjolein Pawlus Northeastern University

DNF 119 Turner Ramsay KMS Cycling-Killington Mountain School


Women B 9 starters 49.0 miles

Place Bib Time First Last Team Points

1 167 2:34:27 Camille Joubert New York University 96

2 169 2:40:05 Carrie Freshour Cornell University 82

3 166 2:40:06 Octavia Mulhern New York University 70

4 176 2:40:07 Sophie Russenberger Bard College 60

5 158 2:40:10 Elizabeth Psiaki US Military Academy 52

6 171 2:40:10 Emily Mailhot Lehigh University 44

7 175 3:00:00 Ellie Perry Bucknell University 36

8 173 P&P Tanya Boulanova Boston University 30

DNF 152 Kathryn Aman Middlebury College


Men B 40 starters 49.0 miles

Place Bib Time First Last Team Points

1 278 2:11:24 Anthony Cao New York University 96

2 206 2:11:27 James Fox New York University 82

3 242 2:11:35 Kevin Wood University of Connecticut 70

4 231 2:13:44 Caleb Parnell Juniata College 60

5 294 2:13:44 Andrew Borden Castelton University 52

6 271 2:13:45 Will Greene Middlebury College 44

7 307 2:13:45 Simon Tremblay University of Montreal 36

8 218 2:13:45 Justin Clark University of New Hampshire 30

9 214 2:13:45 Breton Minnehan Rochester Institute of Technology 24

10 270 2:13:45 Eian Prohl Brown University 18

11 255 2:13:45 Josh Chu KMS Cycling-Killington Mountain School 14

12 241 2:13:46 Samuel Furness Cornell University 10

13 305 2:13:46 William Gowen Pennsylvania State University 6

14 281 2:13:46 Youyang Zhao Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4

15 234 2:13:47 Adam Lovell University of New Hampshire 2

16 229 2:13:47 Joseph Schnaubelt Juniata College

17 248 2:13:47 Dylan Allen US Military Academy

18 273 2:13:48 Jack Lynch KMS Cycling-Killington Mountain School

19 233 2:13:49 Jonathan Davies Brown University

20 221 2:13:51 Charles Mandel University of Vermont

21 306 2:17:44 Jason Chari Cornell University

22 283 2:17:46 Przemyslaw Krol Massachusetts Institute of Technology

23 303 2:18:18 Daniel Cole New York University

24 288 2:20:32 Nicholas Brocato Worcester Polytechnic Institute

25 289 2:20:32 Travis Wold Worcester Polytechnic Institute

26 217 2:24:57 Leo Kirkpatrick Baird KMS Cycling-Killington Mountain School

27 200 2:26:31 Maximilian Jentzsch Harvard University

28 253 2:29:39 Benito Cecenas University of Vermont

29 293 P&P Riley Joinnides Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

30 286 P&P Eli Bravo Bucknell University

31 292 P&P Leland Grigoli Brown University

32 282 P&P Dustin Weigl Massachusetts Institute of Technology

DNF 203 Chris Dsida Bates College

DNF 226 Eric Loehle Boston University

DNF 254 Torin La Liberte Saint Michaels College

DNF 269 Jack Vogel New York University

DNF 279 Jack Greene Dartmouth College

DNF 301 Jake Inger University of Vermont

DNF 302 Clyde Logue 0:00:00

DNF 304 Bryan Simpson University of Pennsylvania


Men C 52 starters 33.0 miles

Place Bib Time First Last Team Points

1 539 1:32:15 Nicholas Tveter University of New Hampshire 64

2 524 1:32:15 Matthew Wiseman Williams College 48

3 554 1:32:16 Andrew Mergen US Military Academy 36

4 462 1:32:17 Patrick White Massachusetts Institute of Technology 30

5 594 1:32:17 Berk Ozturk Massachusetts Institute of Technology 24

6 566 1:32:17 Nate Ricketts Juniata College 18

7 490 1:32:17 Felix Oestereich McGill University 14

8 491 1:32:17 Conrad Dorn Dorn Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 10

9 483 1:32:17 Fabian Stocek Dartmouth College 8

10 526 1:32:18 Noel Hwang Tufts University 6

11 579 1:32:18 Joshua Finkelstein Northeastern University 4

12 557 1:32:18 William Mazurek McGill University 2

13 477 1:32:18 Ross Peterson Harvard University

14 525 1:32:19 Rowan Crowley US Military Academy

15 527 1:32:19 Sean Crandell University of Pittsburgh

16 507 1:32:19 Alexander Pelton Dartmouth College

17 552 1:32:19 Ammon Okazaki US Military Academy

18 536 1:32:19 Marcus Peabody Rhode Island School of Design

19 595 1:32:20 Benjamin Egan Boston College

20 479 1:32:20 Alex Weinman Northampton Cycling Club

21 498 1:32:20 Daniel Grier Massachusetts Institute of Technology

22 574 1:32:20 Timothy Putnam University of New Hampshire

23 592 1:32:21 Wade Wang Massachusetts Institute of Technology

24 558 1:32:22 Jordan Miller McGill University

25 506 1:32:24 Owen Kay Williams College

26 499 1:32:27 Brian Axelrod Massachusetts Institute of Technology

27 593 1:36:46 Charles Wu Massachusetts Institute of Technology

28 500 1:36:56 Ian Bensco Columbia University-NYC

29 588 1:38:01 Xiaodi Shen Northeastern University

30 481 1:40:31 Chen Ye Brown University

31 505 1:40:41 Matthew Goss Williams College

32 583 1:40:48 Anthony DePinto Boston University

33 549 1:43:19 Shea Ratynski New York University

34 502 1:43:49 Kyle Herschberger US Military Academy

35 587 1:43:58 Edward Prescott Bucknell University

36 478 1:45:25 David Ding Harvard University

37 599 1:47:09 Ethan Sokol Massachusetts Institute of Technology

38 516 1:47:13 Carlos Syquia Boston University

39 521 1:48:31 Ian McCartney Lehigh University

40 504 1:48:54 Wesley Low Boston University

41 581 1:51:57 Peter Daniels Boston University

42 495 1:52:12 Payton Stearns KMS Cycling-Killington Mountain School

43 589 1:52:17 Steven Robare Bucknell University

44 591 1:52:31 Matthew McGauley Bucknell University

DNF 480

DNF 482 Charles Sinkler Worcester Polytechnic Institute

DNF 484 Cole Tamburri Boston College

DNF 493 ian wallace University of New Hampshire

DNF 511 Daniel Same Princeton University

DNF 519 Andre Burton Drexel University

DNF 540 Asher Merrill University of New Hampshire

DNF 596 Shawn Quinn Boston College


Women C 13 starters 33.0 miles

Place Bib Time First Last Team Points

1 339 1:50:20 Katherine Rusch Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 64

2 331 1:50:21 Kathryn Lawrence Massachusetts Institute of Technology 48

3 352 1:50:22 Sophie Connor Dartmouth College 36

4 347 1:50:24 Isabel Shard Cornell University 30

5 348 1:50:25 aileen bui Brown University 24

6 335 1:50:29 Mary Weston Brown University 18

7 359 1:50:30 Ellen Witkowski Boston University 14

8 356 1:51:01 Margaret Conley Bowdoin College 10

9 360 1:55:42 Margaret Lane Dartmouth College 8

10 343 1:58:18 Phoebe Hill Vaughan Road Academy 6

11 334 2:00:32 Christina Strachoff Rhode Island School of Design 4

12 341 2:17:15 Gabrielle Alford US Military Academy 2

13 327 2:24:10 Sarah Morrow US Military Academy


Men D 58 starters 33.0 miles

Place Bib Time First Last Team Points

1 694 1:37:32 Charlie Trouba University of Pittsburgh 42

2 668 1:37:42 Jacob Murdock US Military Academy 32

3 665 1:37:50 Keller Balsam US Military Academy 22

4 600 1:37:51 Liam Fenlon Massachusetts Institute of Technology 16

5 714 1:37:52 Alexander Truitt Bowdoin College 10

6 735 1:37:53 Alexander Wurts Worcester Polytechnic Institute 8

7 723 1:37:54 Kyle Hayes Lehigh University 6

8 698 1:37:54 Scott Bollt Cornell University 4

9 718 1:37:55 Jonathan Burk Cornell University 2

10 689 1:37:56 Peter Lugthart Williams College

11 712 1:38:43 Aaron Szczepanek University of Massachusetts Amherst

12 1242 1:38:48 Xuchao Yang University of Toronto

13 601 1:39:13 Dmitro Martynowych Massachusetts Institute of Technology

14 688 1:39:27 Liam Gillis Williams College

15 699 1:39:36 Matt Stordy University of Massachusetts Amherst

16 742 1:39:40 Farid Nooro Middlebury College

17 732 1:40:20 Tobias Ehrenberger Massachusetts Institute of Technology

18 686 1:40:30 John Donohue Syracuse University

19 691 1:41:09 Roderick Eskew Boston University

20 672 1:41:09 Yejun Zhu Boston University

21 615 1:45:25 Yusuf Kapadia New York University

22 646 1:46:09 Zachary Brennan Drexel University

23 721 1:46:11 Paul Presbrey Bard College

24 638 1:46:12 Matthew Graca University of New Hampshire

25 671 1:46:15 Codie Cottrell University of Vermont

26 695 1:46:18 Benjamin Saccone Dartmouth College

27 737 1:46:23 David Harvey Castleton University

28 693 1:48:06 Neal Bachmann University of Massachusetts Amherst

29 733 1:48:15 Lucas Valdes Dartmouth College

30 702 1:49:26 Andrew LongHiggins Columbia University-NYC

31 614 1:49:47 Alvin Leong New York University

32 612 1:49:52 Andrew Mei New York University

33 743 2:03:38 Max Pratt Rhode Island School of Design

34 687 2:04:55 Adam Yiu-Ming Tonks Yale University

35 734 2:05:01 Nathaniel Cassidy University of Vermont

36 1241 2:07:59 Rolando Compuano University of Toronto

37 740 2:11:40 Nikhil Plouffe Castelton University

38 738 2:21:08 Ramon Solis Rhode Island School of Design

39 731 2:28:29 Adam Workineh Bucknell University

40 744 P&P Joseph Gelb Princeton University

41 629 P&P Zander Lingelbach-pierce University of Vermont

42 651 P&P Arthur Erlendsson Yale University

43 649 P&P Aaron Sing Wo Pang Yale University

44 715 P&P Boyang Zhang Bowdoin College

45 1234 P&P Hanqiu Liu

46 609 P&P Carlos Petricioli New York University

47 626 P&P Jacob Bensco University of Massachusetts Amherst

48 1238 P&P Sawyer Matteson Castleton University

49 736 P&P Philip Strauss Brown University

50 730 P&P Ariel Koltun-Fromm Williams College

51 728 P&P Ziyu Wu Boston University

52 739 P&P Devin Perry Castleton University

53 622 P&P Thomas Edgerton University of Vermont

54 741 P&P Ian McClellan Bard College

DNF 669 Kevin Seaward US Military Academy

DNF 717 Jonathan Ockert Boston College

DNF 722 Adan Horta Columbia University-NYC

DNF 729 Giovanni De Simone Northeastern University


Women D 23 starters 33.0 miles

Place Bib Time First Last Team Points

1 1281 1:55:28 Caroline O'Dwyer University of Connecticut 42

2 1283 1:55:29 Iris Pessey University of Vermont 32

3 855 1:55:32 Amy Ousterhout Massachusetts Institute of Technology 22

4 856 1:55:37 Sarah Ritzmann Williams College 16

5 851 1:55:46 Elina Breton Saint Lawrence University 10

6 891 2:00:45 Wing Yi Pao University of Toronto 8

7 1278 2:04:00 Erzsebet Nagy Middlebury College 6

8 877 2:05:23 Martha Carpenter Juniata College 4

9 899 2:05:25 Victoria Zeuner Northeastern University 2

10 1280 2:05:26 Rebecca Jaroszewski

11 878 2:05:31 Molly Tobin Saint Michaels College

12 879 2:05:40 Isabella Wilson University of Vermont

13 860 2:09:16 Emily Follett Cornell University

14 853 2:09:39 Amanda Chen Massachusetts Institute of Technology

15 1279 2:11:37 Julia Sakalus Tufts University

16 869 2:13:33 Emily Chen Massachusetts Institute of Technology

17 859 2:20:09 Maya Cannon Rhode Island School of Design

18 868 P&P Gabriela Zimbron University of Vermont

19 867 P&P Katherine Hunter Massachusetts Institute of Technology

20 883 P&P Shannon Moran Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania

21 866 P&P Aoife Cahill Rhode Island School of Design

22 1284 P&P Yihji Shen Northeastern University

DNF 1282 Rebecca Romac University of Vermont


Men E 21 starters 17.0 miles

Place Bib Time First Last Team Points

1 937 0:50:41 Andrew Theall Boston College 24

2 939 0:51:02 Josu Urquidi Guerrero Massachusetts Institute of Technology 14

3 918 0:52:04 Afnan Enayet Dartmouth College 10

4 1237 0:52:10 Daniel Casey 6

5 1245 0:53:02 Tery Dial 2

6 915 0:55:47 Christian D'Andrea Drexel University

7 903 0:55:47 Alfred Ong New York University

8 1240 0:55:49 Robert Bernhardt Middlebury College

9 919 0:55:49 Ziheng Wang Massachusetts Institute of Technology

10 1244 0:57:52 adam Spierer Brown University

11 1235 0:58:44 Bruno Korbar Dartmouth College

12 902 0:58:50 David Wiedaseck Boston College

13 927 1:01:43 John Johnson University of Pennsylvania

14 941 1:02:33 Jason Zhang Syracuse University

15 940 1:02:36 Erick Garcia Tufts University

16 932 1:05:27 Matthew Minchello Rhode Island School of Design

17 1243 1:05:41 Jonathan Karch Tufts University

18 938 1:07:29 Chun-Ting Liu Massachusetts Institute of Technology

19 1236 1:07:29 Camilu Herrera Matiz Rhode Island School of Design

20 936 1:13:02 Joshua Shao Rhode Island School of Design

21 1239 1:15:56 Gilbert Onu Brown University
