ECCC Week 4, Shippensburg Road Race - Cleversburg, PA
ECCC Week 4
Shipensburg University
Horse Killer Road Race
Cleversburg, PA
April 9, 2017
Courtesy of Velocity Results
Men A 29 starters 75.0 miles
Place Bib Time First Last Team Points
1 1 3:25:56 Glenn Ferreira University of Delaware 80
2 5 3:27:05 Andrew Nicholas Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 70
3 6 3:30:50 Marc-Antonie Beaudoin University of Toronto 63
4 18 3:30:51 Blake Bogpen Queen's University 57
5 59 3:30:53 Kenneth Englert US Military Academy 51
6 8 3:30:53 Kenneth McNeill Northeastern University 45
7 33 3:30:55 Derrick Butler University of Pennsylvania 40
8 42 3:30:56 Alex Kellum University of Pennsylvania 35
9 27 3:31:07 Scott Coblentz Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania 30
10 44 3:35:16 Zachary Berkow Dartmouth College 26
11 23 3:35:19 Alec Cunningham University of New Hampshire 22
12 38 3:35:20 Zachary Isaacs Dartmouth College 18
13 10 3:35:22 Alex Breakstone Bucknell University 15
14 37 3:35:25 Andrew Scott Princeton University 12
15 58 3:35:47 Adam Ruff US Military Academy 9
16 43 3:36:08 Ethan Call Dartmouth College 7
17 22 3:36:14 Spencer Perry Rochester Institute of Technology 5
18 25 3:39:43 Benjamen Shrewsberry Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania 3
19 12 3:39:46 Patrick Farrell Queen's University 2
20 11 3:49:52 Brian Alba Northeastern University 1
DNF 26 Darin Alleman Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
DNF 30 Julian Georg Syracuse University
DNF 31 Christopher Peltzer Indiana University-PA
DNF 39 Matthew Fischel University of Delaware
DNF 48 Tristan Manderfeld US Military Academy
DNF 51 Vivien Rindisbacher KMS Cycling-Killington Mountain School
DNF 52 Christopher Welch KMS Cycling-Killington Mountain School
DNF 60 Sam Damphousse University of Vermont
DNF 63 Christopher Hatton Queen's University
Women A/B Combined
Place Bib Time First Last Team Cat
1 107 3:14:23 Danielle Morshead Brown University A
2 111 3:14:34 Samantha Fox QCW Cycling A
3 117 3:14:41 Emma Edwards Massachusetts Institute of Technology A
4 122 3:18:54 Elizabeth Huuki US Military Academy A
5 115 3:19:30 Monte Ho US Military Academy A
6 100 3:19:30 Kathryn Olesnavage Massachusetts Institute of Technology A
7 103 3:19:30 Megan Galinat Northeastern University A
8 113 3:19:35 Allison Mrugal Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute A
9 164 3:22:15 Lizzie Wright Rhode Island School of Design B
10 101 3:24:24 Tori Wuthrich Massachusetts Institute of Technology A
11 162 3:25:02 Virginie Caspard Middlebury College B
12 163 3:26:36 Hannah Simms Queen's University B
13 158 3:26:37 Elizabeth Psiaki US Military Academy B
14 106 3:26:39 Josephine VanLoozen Drexel University A
15 152 3:28:48 Kathryn Aman Middlebury College B
16 114 3:35:44 Marjolein Pawlus Northeastern University A
17 156 3:38:40 Amanda Tomasello Syracuse University B
DNF 118 DNF Kira Payer KMS Cycling-Killington Mountain School A
DNF 119 DNF Turner Ramsay KMS Cycling-Killington Mountain School A
DNF 120 DNF Evelyn Korbich Bucknell University A
DNF 155 DNF Madeline Smith KMS Cycling-Killington Mountain School B
Women A 14 Starters 59 Miles
Place Bib Time First Last Team Points
1 107 3:14:23 Danielle Morshead Brown University 80
2 111 3:14:34 Samantha Fox QCW Cycling 70
3 117 3:14:41 Emma Edwards Massachusetts Institute of Technology 63
4 122 3:18:54 Elizabeth Huuki US Military Academy 57
5 115 3:19:30 Monte Ho US Military Academy 51
6 100 3:19:30 Kathryn Olesnavage Massachusetts Institute of Technology 45
7 103 3:19:30 Megan Galinat Northeastern University 40
8 113 3:19:35 Allison Mrugal Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 35
9 101 3:24:24 Tori Wuthrich Massachusetts Institute of Technology 30
10 106 3:26:39 Josephine VanLoozen Drexel University 26
11 114 3:35:44 Marjolein Pawlus Northeastern University 22
DNF 118 Kira Payer KMS Cycling-Killington Mountain School
DNF 119 Turner Ramsay KMS Cycling-Killington Mountain School
DNF 120 Evelyn Korbich Bucknell University
Women B 7 Starters 59 Miles
Place Bib Time First Last Team Points
1 164 3:22:15 Lizzie Wright Rhode Island School of Design 48
2 162 3:25:02 Virginie Caspard Middlebury College 41
3 163 3:26:36 Hannah Simms Queen's University 35
4 158 3:26:37 Elizabeth Psiaki US Military Academy 30
5 152 3:28:48 Kathryn Aman Middlebury College 26
6 156 3:38:40 Amanda Tomasello Syracuse University 22
DNF 155 Madeline Smith KMS Cycling-Killington Mountain School
Men B 32 Starters 59 Miles
Place Bib Time First Last Team Points
1 259 2:39:02 Colin Kelly Pennsylvania State University 48
2 255 2:39:04 Josh Chu KMS Cycling-Killington Mountain School 41
3 235 2:39:05 Geno Villafano University of Connecticut 35
4 278 2:39:06 Anthony Cao New York University 30
5 206 2:39:10 James Fox New York University 26
6 217 2:41:10 Leo Kirkpatrick Baird KMS Cycling-Killington Mountain School 22
7 260 2:42:26 Gilles Merckx Lehigh University 18
8 268 2:42:47 Bryce Lerew Juniata College 15
9 218 2:44:24 Justin Clark University of New Hampshire 12
10 269 2:44:40 Jack Vogel New York University 9
11 231 2:46:42 Caleb Parnell Juniata College 7 miles
12 274 2:46:45 Nelson Beimfohr Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania 5
13 207 2:47:11 Matthew Park New York University 3
14 262 2:50:38 Connor Thompson Wilson High School 2
15 241 2:50:51 Samuel Furness Cornell University 1
16 271 2:50:56 Will Greene Middlebury College
17 270 2:50:58 Eian Prohl Brown University
18 238 2:53:28 Simon Voorhees Temple University
19 273 2:53:30 Jack Lynch KMS Cycling-Killington Mountain School
20 272 2:53:43 Luke Shaw Princeton University
21 214 3:05:07 Breton Minnehan Rochester Institute of Technology
22 248 3:05:08 Dylan Allen US Military Academy
23 253 3:12:05 Benito Cecenas University of Vermont
DNF 215 Ian Bensco Columbia University-NYC
DNF 229 Joseph Schnaubelt Juniata College
DNF 247 Joshua Santeusanio Temple University
DNF 250 Damon Richardson Queen's University
DNF 254 Torin La Liberte Saint Michaels College
DNF 256 Johannes Stromski KMS Cycling-Killington Mountain School
DNF 267 Matthew Davies Williams College
DNF 275 Michael Neinast University of Pennsylvania
DNF 276 Nathan Roberts 0
Men C 42 starters 46.0 miles
Place Bib Time First Last Team Points
1 551 2:18:07 Jack Greene Dartmouth College 32
2 574 2:18:08 Timothy Putnam University of New Hampshire 24
3 564 2:18:08 William Vickerman Pennsylvania State University 18
4 554 2:18:09 Andrew Mergen US Military Academy 15
5 462 2:18:10 Patrick White Massachusetts Institute of Technology 12
6 524 2:18:10 Matthew Wiseman Williams College 9
7 515 2:18:12 andrew bobb Boiling Springs High School 7
8 594 2:18:12 Berk Ozturk Massachusetts Institute of Technology 5
9 566 2:18:20 Nate Ricketts Juniata College 4
10 568 2:19:01 Cobie Arnold Pennsylvania State University 3
11 527 2:19:08 Sean Crandell University of Pittsburgh 2
12 520 2:19:13 Jason Chari Cornell University 1
13 463 2:19:14 Przemyslaw Krol Massachusetts Institute of Technology
14 569 2:19:14 William Gowen Pennsylvania State University
15 526 2:19:15 Noel Hwang Tufts University
16 561 2:19:17 Michael Saah Temple University
17 519 2:19:18 Andre Burton Drexel University
18 525 2:19:19 Rowan Crowley US Military Academy
19 536 2:19:23 Marcus Peabody Rhode Island School of Design
20 592 2:19:56 Wade Wang Massachusetts Institute of Technology
21 509 2:20:01 Jeff Hennessy University of Delaware
22 512 2:20:06 Dan Lee University of Maryland-College Park
23 579 2:20:09 Joshua Finkelstein Northeastern University
24 593 2:21:24 Charles Wu Massachusetts Institute of Technology
25 528 2:21:33 Messen Timothy Dartmouth College
26 513 2:21:54 Daniel Webb University of Maryland-College Park
27 508 2:22:14 John Barrett Duke University
28 540 2:22:15 Asher Merrill University of New Hampshire
29 552 2:23:12 Ammon Okazaki US Military Academy
30 523 2:24:01 Benjamin Farrell Northeastern University
31 517 2:25:17 Ryan Singh Boston University
32 589 2:25:23 Steven Robare Bucknell University
33 577 2:26:09 Andrew Schlicht Bucknell University
34 510 2:29:26 Nicholas Hellmann University of Connecticut
35 587 2:33:37 Edward Prescott Bucknell University
36 516 2:35:17 Carlos Syquia Boston University
37 591 2:38:38 Matthew McGauley Bucknell University
38 518 2:42:25 Derek Wladyka Drexel University
DNF 511 Daniel Same Princeton University
DNF 548 Gregory Felker Rochester Institute of Technology
DNF 588 Xiaodi Shen Northeastern University
Women C 15 starters 46.0 miles
Place Bib Time First Last Team Points
1 340 2:29:55 Camille Joubert New York University 32
2 349 2:31:38 Carrie Freshour Cornell University 24
3 338 2:32:43 Emily Mailhot Lehigh University 18
4 339 2:33:49 Katherine Rusch Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 15
5 332 2:34:37 Octavia Mulhern New York University 12
6 346 2:40:38 Sierra Jech Syracuse University 9
7 347 2:40:48 Isabel Shard Cornell University 7
8 348 2:40:51 aileen bui Brown University 5
9 345 2:43:18 Anna Shveshkeyev Boston University 4
10 352 2:48:02 Sophie Connor Dartmouth College 3
11 328 2:48:18 Ellie Perry Bucknell University 2
12 334 2:53:16 Christina Strachoff Rhode Island School of Design 1
13 341 P&P Gabrielle Alford US Military Academy
14 333 P&P Nicole Walch University of Vermont
15 327 P&P Sarah Morrow US Military Academy
Men D 34 starters 29.0 miles
Place Bib Time First Last Team Points
1 625 1:29:12 ian wallace University of New Hampshire 21
2 676 1:29:13 Kyle Herschberger US Military Academy 16
3 665 1:29:43 Keller Balsam US Military Academy 11
4 696 1:29:43 David Sutherland Boston University 8
5 698 1:29:54 Scott Bollt Cornell University 5
6 646 1:30:24 Zachary Brennan Drexel University 4
7 1217 1:30:24 Yang Xuchao University of Toronto 3
8 612 1:30:30 Andrew Mei New York University 2
9 694 1:30:33 Charlie Trouba University of Pittsburgh 1
10 639 1:30:40 Eric Deare University of Toronto
11 1215 1:31:24 Woo Chi Chung Janssen University of Toronto
12 695 1:31:31 Benjamin Saccone Dartmouth College
13 609 1:31:33 Carlos Petricioli New York University
14 619 1:31:39 Ian Atwood Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
15 613 1:31:44 Bao Thai Rochester Institute of Technology
16 682 1:32:17 Matthew Mech Emmaus High School
17 637 1:32:43 James Dodds Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
18 614 1:33:02 Alvin Leong New York University
19 697 1:33:28 sam nguyen Temple University
20 679 1:33:53 Tianxing Shang Pennsylvania State University
21 683 1:35:00 Jacob Brown Penn State Behrend
22 1219 1:35:40 Robert Bernhardt Middlebury College
23 659 1:38:12 William Manbeck Pennsylvania State University
24 1218 1:40:26 Ben Xu University of Toronto
25 673 1:41:38 Eamonn Carroll Pennsylvania State University
26 1216 1:50:35 Rolando Campuano University of Toronto
27 621 1:50:47 Ezra Taimuty-Loomis University of Pittsburgh
28 674 1:52:36 Eric Bowmaster Rochester Institute of Technology
29 608 1:53:37 Benjamin Herzberg Northeastern University
30 636 2:14:54 Gunnar Michels Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
DNF 624 Demitrios Apostolakis Rutgers University-New Brunswick
DNF 633 Grzegorz Wlodarek University of Toronto
DNF 666 Alex Gudenkauf US Military Academy
DNF 669 Kevin Seaward US Military Academy
Women D 9 starters 29.0 miles
Place Bib Time First Last Team Points
1 857 1:45:45 Emily Burke Vassar College 21
2 886 1:51:39 Alyssa Valent Pennsylvania State University 16
3 876 1:53:33 Michele Lake Pennsylvania State University 11
4 860 1:54:17 Emily Follett Cornell University 8
5 893 1:56:40 Kathryn Slebodnik University of New Hampshire 5
6 859 2:00:39 Maya Cannon Rhode Island School of Design 4
7 895 2:10:07 Emily Migdal University of Pittsburgh 3
8 877 2:11:20 Martha Carpenter Juniata College 2
9 861 3:19:42 Kathryn Neuhardt Boston University 1
Men E 9 Starters 29.0 Miles
Place Bib Time First Last Team Points
1 918 1:33:17 Afnan Enayet Dartmouth College 12
2 915 1:35:52 Christian D'Andrea Drexel University 7
3 926 1:39:17 Kyle Hayes Lehigh University 5
4 911 1:44:48 Lucas Valdes Dartmouth College 3
5 924 1:45:54 Constantin Weisser Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1
6 927 1:52:20 John Johnson University of Pennsylvania
7 908 1:54:18 Thomas Lantz Juniata College
8 909 1:55:32 Jason Zhang Syracuse University
9 925 2:25:10 Shikhar Kumar Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Men 2/3 30 Starters 75 Miles
1 441 Wyatt Goral CCB VeloTooler 3:13:11
2 466 Bruno Neto TEAM BIKE DOCTOR 3:14:13
3 461 Richard Holzworth District Velocity Racing p/b Bicycle Pro Shop 3:14:13
4 469 Jacob Skrip CS Velo 3:14:13
5 456 Patrick JarenwattananonDistrict Velocity Racing p/b Bicycle Pro Shop 3:14:20
6 465 Anthony Murfett District Velocity Racing p/b Bicycle Pro Shop 3:14:43
7 475 Tyler Waldron TEAM BIKE DOCTOR 3:15:06
8 477 Jeffrey Watts Blue Bell Private Wealth Management p/b Cannondale 3:18:08
9 482 Jacob Yundt TEAM GPOA 3:18:15
10 445 Calvin Hoops Tri-State Velo / Amoroso's Racing Team 3:20:54
11 476 Allan Wallace TEAM BIKE DOCTOR 3:22:27
12 437 Mark Detweiler Blue Bell Private Wealth Management p/b Cannondale 3:24:14
13 468 Alec Ratzell CS Velo 3:24:14
14 483 3:24:21
15 429 Zachary Chappell 3:30:49
16 470 Alexander Smith 3:35:54
DNF 438 James Haglund Tri-State Velo / Amoroso's Racing Team
DNF 439 La Prima Espresso Co. Racing
DNF 443 Alan Fody TEAM MICAH / HARDCORE U50 -- goates/haglund/engle/straub
DNF 444 David Galati La Prima Espresso Co. Racing
DNF 447 Jason Luttrell District Velocity Racing p/b Bicycle Pro Shop
DNF 448 Aaron Hotaling Tri-State Velo/Amoroso's
DNF 455 Brett Houser La Prima Espresso Co. Racing / Sharp Medical Imaging
DNF 458 Mike Janeiro TEAM GPOA
DNF 462 Steven Kurpiewski QCW Cycling p.b.
DNF 467 Daniel Mullen District Velocity Racing p/b Bicycle Pro Shop
DNF 471 Douglas Plowman Blue Bell Private Wealth Management p/b Cannondale
DNF 472 Lee Sobotkin Amoroso's/TSV
DNF 474 Brad Thompson Blue Bell Private Wealth Management p/b Cannondale
DNF 478 Christopher Woltemade AVC / Team Hagerstown-Washington County
Men 4/5 18 Starters 46 Miles
1 116 Ryan Lee CS Velo 2:04:12
2 127 Jim McQuaide 2:04:54
3 124 Nate Lotze 2:05:20
4 133 Fredric Yutzy 2:06:10
5 107 Geoffrey Irwin NCVC/UnitedHealthcare 2:10:45
6 129 Kyle Sammon 2:10:52
7 103 Jamie Hess Mason Dixon Velo 2:11:26
8 135 Charles Larsen Antietam Velo Club Inc 2:11:31
9 117 Pete LoBianco The Cycle Works 2:13:31
10 106 Tyler Honey Millersburg Velo Club 2:13:59
11 102 Bradley Gorter Blue Mountain Velo 2:14:06
12 104 Michael Hoffman C3-Twenty20 Cycling 2:17:48
13 108 Kyle Irwin Antietam Velo Club 2:17:56
14 128 John Polak Draft & Sprocket Bicycle Shop 2:17:57
15 112 Robert Latsha Millersburg Velo Club 2:18:01
16 136 Dakotah Smith 2:19:03
DNF 100 Robert Diez
DNF 130 Christopher Townsley